Posted March 3, 200322 yr comment_28402 I am in the middle of doing my 240 ,its all torn apart and everything is scattered all over . She is the only one I have and I miss driving the car I love to drive. Her fenders are in the attic her engine is in a barn, and I have all the wireing in my office and a dash in the living room . my wife , bless her , is getting edgey . With gass prices over $2.00 , this was not a good time . Damn I hope to start getting things back togither. With the weather beginning to turn I am getting antsey . 2many I dont know how you doit one thing here I dont have to shouvel rain . thanks to all for listening , I value all of you out there for your knowledge and help , I really do . I hope I dont have a senior moment and forget where every thing is when I go to reassamble the OL' GIRL. I am grateful that I have escanlon for a friend to help and encourage me. But for me at 64 it still is a daunting task. Done it before but I was in my early 20s. Trying to keep my focus. Thanks for listening Gary:classic: 2many thanks to you for the e-mailsROFL Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
March 3, 200322 yr comment_28403 You'll never walk alone especially with everyones help and support on here.You'll get it done.... these things shouldnt be rushed anyway. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
March 3, 200322 yr comment_28424 I agree with 240Z, these things can’t be rushed. I'm having my engine re-done so I'm very eager to get it back into the car. I've had some setbacks so my patents have been tasked.I'll take my coffee and site in the car that’s parked in the garage and look out at all that white stuff and I know my day is coming soon.Hang in there. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
March 3, 200322 yr comment_28425 beandip, Some of us have been in your shoes, and we definitely know how you feel. My car sat in my garage as a shell for over 3 years while I waited to get money and time to finish working on it. Total time from purchase to first drive was nine years! Yes that's right, I bought my car and immediately tore it down and got started. That was in '93. I got to drive it for the first time in June of '02! Hang in there, it's all worth it. Just make sure that on the days you can't work on her, you go out to the garage and sit with her. Tell her you won't stop working to get her back on the road. That there might be some delays, but you won't forget the fun you've had in the past. Those days will come again and you'll both feel better in the long run. I still can't drive my car as much as I'd like to, but at least I head out into the garage at night and sit with my girl. We both spend about 15 minutes pretend driving.... Call me crazy :stupid: but these cars have that effect on me. And she sits patiently by my side while I slowly put her new "heart" back together. I'm currently rebuilding the original engine for transplant next month! I can't wait... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
March 3, 200322 yr comment_28441 Gary, Don't get discouraged, at least you know where all the parts are..... Mine has been in pieces for 16 months now, and until spring finally gets here, it going to have to sit and wait for the weather to warm up before I can start painting and putting it back together. If you take as long as kmack, then we'll start worrying... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
March 3, 200322 yr comment_28446 beandip, as with what everyone else said...don;t get discouraged. i am in the same timeframe as Kmack and that was due to no funds and then I was in an apartment for three years so I could only visit the storage unit once a month and ahve a look at the car. Now that one has turned into three:stupid: I have a big collage of Z pictures in the garage so when I need inspiration I just have a look and then I can see the vision again. If you're married, stop doing chores around the house and when the wife hollars, hollar back and then storm out to the garage. The car will be done in no time then Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
March 3, 200322 yr comment_28448 I am amazed at the optimism of you guys, especially you geezers, who have a huge optimism of your longevity when you tear your cars apart to rebuild them. I am 65 and if I tore my car apart, I would never have it together enough to drive it again. Luckily, it is in good shape for a daily driver and I will be able to enjoy it for another ten years, hopefully. More power to you beandip. Have it upholstered in blue satin as a finnishing touch and have a Z sized hole dug and drive off into an afterlife. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
March 3, 200322 yr comment_28451 There is an old saying that the only way to eat an elephant is one mouthful at the time.That said try to take a bite daily or a few on saturday.When you've had your fill for awhile walk away from it.Also I have found a trip to a Zcar show always makes me hungry.Perhaps you will have similiar results. As for you statement about $2 gas,It's not using any!!In a short time we will have our own middle east oil field and crude will be about $10 a barrel,not the $38 average we have now. Are ya hungry yet!!! Have fun!! Daniel Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
March 4, 200322 yr Author comment_28507 I want to thank you all, really. I dont want a pity party it's just that sometimes it seems like I am spinning my wheels here. Things are coming along and I just need to pull the rest of the wireing out then start on the metal repair which isn' t that much really after hearing of the problems some of you have had to deal with. On one hand I want to get on with it but , I want to do it right, and not half assed. As Zwolley said when you get to our age and have to ask your self , how long am I going to be able to enjoy this this car, do I really want to spend this time working on her and not driving . I dont even buy green banans ! Ha Ha. For me this part of the process and I like working on her and take pride in the fact when she's done and I can look at the finished car and I can say to myself yah she looks good and I did it . I have been here before and I just need to keep focus . I have done many things harder than this in my life and it all boiles down to keeping a positive outlook. I am taking a few pictures and I will put them on a CD and post some and you can all get a good laff. Especially at my brazing ability , which I may not do and have it done it just depends on $. I SHALL HAVE HER ON THE ROAD THIS SUMMER !! Thanks all Gary:love: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
March 4, 200322 yr comment_28549 Just think about this...Whilst ppl swimming around the 60-65 mark are planning trips tom waste their money in vegas, you're pulling apart and putting together one of the finest cars ever built...and on top of that, you'll get to drive around in it once its done!!!! Just rockin' up in a Z, whilst everyone else is driving corollas!!!Life is suddenly so bright, ain't it!!PS Don't worry bout the car, it'll bounce back, my brother (on a motorbike) went off a 40ft cliff into a rock quarry 8 years ago, now because of his outlook hes walking, and it just so happens that he drives a Twin Turbo 97' Supra!! (Still pisses him off when ppl make offers on my car, whilst his is sitting right next to mine though!!! No bull!!!!!). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
March 4, 200322 yr comment_28554 Well my 240 Shell is now currently almost totally stripped down, I'm in the process of selling all un-necessary bits etc i have accumulated in order to be able to afford to have the car dipped to remove the paint, then its body work playing with me for the next few years till after I graduate, so I can afford to finish it off properly. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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