March 13, 200322 yr comment_29657 It's alright it doesn't really bother me that much Just me being dramatic... :stupid: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
March 13, 200322 yr comment_29661 Hopefully it's obvious!Zedrally, one of the zeds is a Dirt Rally car and that's what I enjoy most, forest racing!Great idea on the thread, still waiting on Bambikiller!Mike Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
March 13, 200322 yr comment_29668 My screen name will remain a mystery :classic: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
March 13, 200322 yr comment_29669 usual nickname, I actually got it whilst I was managing the spare parts department at a Yamaha Dealership.I used to have a brand new TTR-250 Enduro motocrosser...3rd love of my life (Z and the missus come first)...anyway, a woman pulled out of a sidestreet and hit me whilst I was going through the intersection...I flew straight over her bonnet, missed an oncoming bus (THANKFULLY!!), and hit brand new tarmac...tore the right thigh muscle in half, broke a couple of fingers, got pretty serous abrasions to my legs and stomach, but I always wear a helmet and body armour, so I would most likely be dead now if it wasn't for them(!). BTW, whilst I was bleeding and in shock on the ground, and she KNOWING FULL WELL that it was her fault, came over to me and told me that I was a young hooligan!!!!!!!Anyway, cut an already long story short, the workshop manager came and picked up my bike (bent to 45 degrees!), and I went to hospital...when I came back to work, I got the title 'bad leeroy brown', don't get me wrong, I'm anglo saxon (read: white), but it was the coolest nickname that I ever had!!! So Leeroy stuck...So yeah, any other stories (fit to hear*S*)... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
March 14, 200322 yr comment_29691 just take a look at it. Z for the datsun Z car, me for me myself and i:p, and Fly for flying down the road. ie ZmeFly its what i do whenever im in my Z Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
March 14, 200322 yr comment_29701 Well, what can i say, the wife said;" you look delish bending over the fender of the Z" and thus the world stopped for a moment as the words flew through my small brain and i came up got it Zlish, added a little to make it sound more grown up.:stupid: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
March 14, 200322 yr comment_29710 I paintball alot. Usually I go with a group of friends. One time one of my friends was pinned behind a tree and receiving heavy fire. I went flying down the field to save him. As I ran I "killed" 3 enemies. once I got to him I killed 4 more before I was killed. After the game my friend commented on looking behind him and seeing me striding over a tree trunk. The name stuck and whenever I am playing my field name is Stryder.P.S. Bambikiller we're still waiting. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
March 14, 200322 yr comment_29711 kmack, came from the last job I had working at an research facility testing engines and transmissions. One of the other techs, Buz (now a very good friend of mine), started calling me by my last name (which I don't like when people do that). So I told him to think of something better or call me by my first name. Being the stuborn arse that he is, he just started calling me 'kmack.'I actually kind of liked it. It's got a short and quick snap to it and it has stuck for the last 11 years. Kenneth Mack Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
March 14, 200322 yr Author comment_29718 Sorry it took so long to post, but it was a traumatic tale to put down on "paper", even after almost 3 years. I now understand a bit more of why it took me so long to start the thread. OK, Here's the story behind my screen name, Bambikiller240. In 1986 I had found myself in a position where I had to sell the 71 240Z that I had spent 3 years and a ton of money completely rebuilding from a bare shell into my dream street/autocross Z. I hated to do it, but had no choice, yet always knew that I'd have one again someday. After a period of 12 years without a Z I bought my 1972 240Z in October of 1998, a one owner, all original blue, with white interior car. My goal when I bought it was a complete restoration after a year or two of driving and tinkering with it to re-introduce myself to the breed. I had looked at every car I could find for sale over a period of 3 months before I found "my baby". I was overjoyed to have a 240Z again and set about putting all systems in to fully trustworthy condition. I rebuilt the hydraulic systems, replaced the water pump and all hoses, adjusted the valves and tuned the engine, had the carbs serviced, then rebuilt the entire suspension (including the rear outer bushings/spindle pins). I enjoyed driving and working on the car while planning the restoration until June 28th of 2000. I was heading home from my girlfriends home at around 10PM that evening. She lives in a town about 6 miles from the town where I live, and there are only gravel mines and regional parks in the area separating the two towns. The 4-lane road that I was travelling had a speed limit of 55mph. The first 4.5 miles were completely uneventful, however as I approached the town limits of Pleasanton I observed a vehicle in the west-bound left lane (the one I was travelling in) with it's emergency flashers turned on. The vehicle looked as if it was stopped. I could not see any people or other cars in the area, but was concerned athat there might be people around the vehicle, so I began to slow down and moved into the right lane as I approached the scene. As I got closer to the vehicle I could see that it was a Mini-Van, and was actually still moving, but at a greatly reduced speed of around 5mph. By now I had slowed down to about 25 mph and was still about 50 yards from the vehicle, and I noticed there was an arm sticking out of the passenger side window that was motioning to me to "come around" on the right. I slowed a bit more to maybe 20mph as I drew nearer, still trying to see what was the problem that was causing the vehicle to drive so slowly, and yet still remain in the "fast" lane. Just as I drew parallel with the van I heard it's horn sound, and immediately saw a deer dart out from in front of the van into my lane! In spite of being semi-prepared for the unexpected, my foot didn't even have time to get to the brake pedal before the impact. "Bambi" took out the bumper, hood, center and left valance panels, left headlight nacelle, fender, and radiator on my baby. In an instant my beautiful, all-original 1972 240Z was changed forever. It would never be "all- original" again, and like the front-end of my car, my dream was shattered. As I pulled over to the side of the road and got out of the car to examine the damage, the van pulled up and the driver yelled out the window, "Sorry, I was trying herd the deer off the road when you came up. I honked the horn to scare him out of the way." Yeah, he scared the deer alright, right into the front of my car! I was so pissed off that I was afraid I'd smack him if he , or I stayed around much longer. So, I got back into the car and tried to start the car. The radiator was leaking a bit, with the fan up against it, but I was able to get the engine started and drive it the remaining mile to my home. I only had a difficult time when I needed to make the two left turns to get home. The mangled fender would dig into the tire in those turns, but I did make it home. Fortunately, I did have comprehensive insurance and was able to have the car repaired ($4,500.00 in damages at Bay Area, CA prices). I suppose that some people would be satisfied with that, but the situation still left me with an empty spot in my heart, and more than a little anger at the circumstances. After about two months of grumbling, and moping around I came to the realization that nothing would ever change the situation, and that unless I did something to help put it behind me, I would be bitter, and angry for a long time. Since I couldn't change the situation I decided to try to make a joke out of it. I had always been able to laugh or make a joke about anything, and laughter is the best medicine, right? So, I named the car Bambikiller as a sarcastic joke about the events of June 28th. Prior to that joke my screen name had been Carl, and it seemed appropriate to make the change to Bambikiller240 as further acknowledgement of the changes that had taken place in my life. There you have it, that's the story of Bambikiller240. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
March 14, 200322 yr comment_29721 Well, I though mine was pretty obvious. Get out your French dictionary.....The license plate on my 77 is the closest I could get in 'DMV-ese': Z(half space)VOTURE.[OK: la voiture is literally "(the) car" (feminine). It is pronounced WAH-teure.]steve77/71 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
March 14, 200322 yr Author comment_29724 Originally posted by Zvoiture Get out your French dictionary..... steve77/71 I only studied Spanish in school. In today's political climate we are not allowed to have anything "French" in my neighborhood. I thought it might have something to do with your wine cellar, or a fondness for the "necter of the grape". Thanks for letting us know! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
March 14, 200322 yr comment_29752 No Mr. Camouflage, it was the spaghetti stains and the switchblade. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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