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It's just a song, nothing more.

But I am still amazed by what we can do today so I want to share it with you!!! Don't worry too much about the content, theses guys spit on the whole world in their show... I hope we are mature enough to take it for what it is...and sorry really don't mean to be rude.

So again this is nothing more than a "Satire" the salt and PEPPER of democracy, enjoy...


PS : Mike fell free to slab it if you think it doesn't belong here...

Damn Frenchies............... j/k Caen. I'd actually like to know what the French Citizens think about whats going on and who they side with, all the news stations talk about is the Government. I don't want to start any war talks here send me a pm or email and let me know what you guys think.


If anyone doesn't want to listen about the topic of impending war they can CLOSE THE WINDOW.

I dont see hte problem of an odd thread about something other than Zs, as long as it's calm and intellectual.

That said, I'm not one to go into discussion about such things ;)

My opinion is very personal, and maybe too cynical for my fellow citizens.

I believe that Chirac is not against the war and doesn’t care for right or wrong but do care for our business… I cannot blame him for that. I think he didn’t have a lot of options. See we backed you guys a few times and had peanuts after the crisis, you got the reconstructions deals not us!

So, as an human being is not supposed to do the same mistake twice he decided this time to use an other option, after all we had not much to lose.

Being against the war, he is seen as the white angel by the oppressed peoples… while Bush is seen as a demon. I think, like the Bush team, what he really care is the Gas deal, but rather for Total/Elf than for Texaco. He hope that the business that we lost in Africa will be replaced by new deal in the gulf area. I think the both bastards have a very short political vision…

As for the Europeans, they are tired of all those wars, they had enough. Enough to KNOW that the betters options always are the one that last… and that politicians Always get he best deals over the Armed Force, always. Look at all those leftover soldiers from Vietnam, Korea,

Even the last Gulf War. When it’s over who care for them, not too many and 10 years after you always find someone to dig up some filth, saying that it shouldn’t have been done like that (like they had the choice in the heat?). And always, you find a politician that will try to get some attention by giving some light on the past. So I think what the French want, is to save on that part, that’s called experience !

Too bad you guys didn’t say you where going there to liberate the poor little starving children of Irak, you would have had a golden weaver from ONU.

Why us? Why does the world hate us because we are beautiful. we try to help, but all our actions are turned into something that they are not. They are interpreted in such a way that makes us look like the bad guys. We dont f u c k the world, the world f u c k s us.

I really don't think it's a matter of love/hate.

You get more attention because a few of you asked for it! Not a long ago, in fact under Cliton era, the USA was seen as cool dudes working for the best of humanity, and the few tears that they gave us, was from laugthing so much at Bill's trousers life, remember this time, well it will come back one day.

By the way, your neighbor are very quiet lately, hey Canada anybody home? Are you letting the US take all the heat?

Those Canadian guys are rally good at it, they are INVADING Africa today while US take all the blame, now THATS what I call a smart move, well done "les cousins". Darwing said it, it's only the evolution of the world, Up one day, then... did you know that Irak IS the cradle of our civilisation, after all didn't Abraham's familly had a little house in the country there!!!!!!

So really don't feel bad for a thing you cannot control, can you?

I, Fred Caen think you are all a bunch of nice guys anyway... for what it's worth :D :D :D

Of course there is always envy and resentment directed toward the big dog on the block. The dogs with less power and lower status want to be on top, and are waiting for a sign of weakness to attack. They resent the ability of the more powerful to get first pick of all the goodies and being forced to take sloppy seconds. Pretty much the same with all species. If you think we're much different than any other species on this account, think again. There is no altruism here, we just want to make other peoples into our image, because we know that we have the ultimate and most noble system of government and feel that other countries need to be forced to our way thinking for their own good. We know what's right, darn it! Why do people think we Americans are so arrogant? We only want them to have a system that is as superior as ours is. After all, we are constantly telling the world how great we are and how much more goodies we have. Why don't they learn. While I'm being a bit sarcastic, these really are a few of the reasons so many people resent us. While they admire our power and recognize some of the good we have done, they quite naturally become fearful and resentful when we start throwing our weight around, as in the present Iraqi crisis. Many countries think: "are we next on the US agenda"? They see clearly that we want to do whatever we want whether the UN approves or disapproves. And they know no one can stop us. Now that I have dropped a pearl of wisdom, why can't we just arrange assassination of any Iraqi leadership we disaprove of, instead of going to all the expense and collateral damage(can you imagine someone telling the US "we will try to minimize the number of your children we kill, so just remember we're nice guys") of a war. Much more efficient and we at least wouldn't be murdering non combatants. But then I guess the d*** Cheneys(Haliburton) of our country wouldn't be able to make any money from the war effort. He's lickn' his chops! In summary, lets lift our leg on the UN and make the world right. That cynical enough? Shouldn't talk religion or politics unless you want to make enemies.

Shouldn't talk religion or politics unless you want to make enemies.

This last statement was a great piece of advice in my opinion. It never dawned on me untill about 1 minute after I read that. This is going into the permanent memory for later use. Thanks tanny.


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