March 19, 200321 yr comment_30528 Originally posted by TKR514 So, it's logical that the Irish are still upset & will make things difficult for the English (invaders/settlers)) that are still in Ireland after all this time. Sounds reasonable. Wish them well from the States in retaking all of Ireland for the Irish. You Americans going to give the US back to the Native Americans and go back to where your ancestors came from??$^!#, us aussies a going to have to leave Australia, French Canadians will have to back to France, other Candians will have to leave too, so the navite Canadians can have their country back. Michael Jackson will have to go back to whatever planet he came from. How far back in time do you want to go. we could all go live in the africa, or even further back, we could live in the ocean like the single cell organisms we supposedly evolved from.Everything changes. The world is not a musuem. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
March 19, 200321 yr comment_30533 YES! Things do change, the world is not static. So you are saying that the Irish need a bigger army if they feel that they need to take back the lands to the north. That way they can hold the lands till things change again later. They have the same moral right to take the land by force and hold it as those before them? The longer they hold it, the more legitimate it becomes? Sounds like a bad way to run a planet, but I guess if the people there cannot find a peaceful way to be represented as desired, then a little revolution is a good thing. I seem to remember we(U.S.) did as much a few hunderd years ago, Austrailia in 1901, India just 60 years ago, Singapore in 1966..... maybe Ireland in 2009? Who knows, maybe just accept this trend as inevitable change is the way to go as you suggest... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
March 19, 200321 yr comment_30535 Well, since Iraq is considered the birthplace of civilization, I think we should ALL go back there! Do ya think they'll welcome us with open arms (anatomically speaking)? Gee, I hope the'll let us bring our Z cars with us! P.S. I've got dibs on a palace! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
March 19, 200321 yr comment_30564 Nice one Lees' Z ! This for me is what a club is about. The cars bring us together and after that we choose our friends and talk about all sorts - not just cars !1 bravo 6 - yeah, Carl I was referring to the fact that the discussion was US/UK/France despite the presence of Aussies in the line up. Come to think of it I'd like to see more Europeans and the Canadiens in here too but we'll not force anyone eh ?I never doubted the Aussies will to fight, no matter where or with whom. The best bit was sharing a beer afterwards and yes, I have tasted an Aussie fist (smells of stale Fosters!).Alfadog, join the discussion anyway and become up to date - most of what we're discussing is history eh Stryder ! What history are you doing anyway ?Mr Camoflage, I want to live in my Zed - the ultimate mobile home !I love that GunnerRob but he can have the Palace, I've got dibs on the biggest f***ing oil field going !If the Irish take over the Island, the Corsicans will want the same for theirs, the Bretons will separate from France, Belgium will officially divide, the Welsh sheep sh**gers will also demand home rule.The world will become smaller again with a lot more small minded people!So what are the odds on Saddam making it out alive , Bin Liner's still breathing ?The first person to say the troops will be home for Christmas gets a thick ear !Anyone remember the fuel crisis in '73 when oil, which had been rolling along at 14 dollars a barrel for yonks 'shot' up to 20 ish. Everyone pannicked, big cars didn't sell, Jap imports became everyones' best friends... The prices shot up again in the Iran/Iraq war and again in Desert Storm settling down to a stable 30 (twice the pre crisis price). We are the muggs who're gonna pay for this war as we've done for all the others!If Bush senior had gone further than the UN mandate 12 years ago as his son is going to do in a few hours after the sand storm, we wouldn't be chatting here !Stay safe and pray to your god that it's qucik and clean ! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
March 19, 200321 yr comment_30568 AMEN! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
March 19, 200321 yr comment_30581 To 1 Bravo 6I applaud and support your comments. No one outside of Oz has heard of Long Tan either.I also support Lee's Z comments about having the capacity to have a discussion without getting overtly critical against any one particular race.Unfortunately, as someone once said, there would be a lot less wars if the politicans had to duke it out themselves.:tapemouth Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
March 19, 200321 yr comment_30588 Kapyong / Long Tan ?So, educate me ! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
March 20, 200321 yr comment_30654 Long Tan - Major Battle by Aussies against Nth Viet Regulars. Australia's biggest one day loss in Nam. I think the odds were about 120 Aussies versus 3,000 Nth Viets. Aust lost 18 killed on the day.Kapyong:sleepy: : I will have to plead as unknowing on that one until I get a reminder but think it was an Aussie delaying action in Korea at the start of the conflict when everyone was getting pushed back into the sea. Allowed the UN allies to consolidate to prevent disasterous defeat.Quote of the day"You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy,the best golfer is an african/american guy, France is accusing the US of arrogance, and Germany doesn't want to go to war." :disappoin Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
March 20, 200321 yr comment_30657 I love all these comments and at this point I want to say 2 things:1. No matter how you feel, pray to whatever God you choose (or take a moment of silence) for the safety of ALL involved (ok, with the exception of the TRUE enemy).2. My pegnant wife has a message board for "hormonal pregnant women" and let me tell you...... they are no where as civilized as we are, this subject has been a catfight over on that board. Since I asked the first question, I want to thank everyone for sharing their pinions and not assaulting anyone for their opinion.I am in agreement of what is going on.. if you have family or friends involved, you are in my thoughts and prayers. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
March 20, 200321 yr comment_30684 :stupid: :stupid: :stupid: G'Day there Carl,After reading your post I went back and re-read Sean's comment. Thanks for straightening me out on that one.Sean, my humble apologies for taking your comment out of context. Being a Viet Nam Vet I tend to go on the offensive far too readily. (It's a long story.).Are you saying that some low down S.O.B. gave you a knuckle sandwich that smelled of stale Fosters ???????????Must have been a Victorian. Had it been a Queenslander, He would have smelled of Four Ex.Biker,Thanks for the explaination mate. You are pretty well right about Kapyong. It was 3rd Battallion, RAR who fought that rear guard action that earned them the name of The Kapyong Killers.Rick. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
March 20, 200321 yr comment_30686 :( The thought occurs to me that this is such a serious subject for this forum.################## Rick. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
March 21, 200321 yr comment_30782 When awhile back that France dident recognise Hitler for what he was . What did the French do when Hitler over ran Poland? What about Hungury? Was there any clues there? Do you see any thing similar with what has been going on in the middle east? What about Iran and how Sadam used gass on them and on his own people ? What about the those that were torcherd and burchard in Kiwate . What about the Scudd misseles that have been fired against the US army ? They DIDENT EXIST is that right. You arnt the only one that has lived around the world, my friend. We as a country stood tall for your country , not once but twice .In just afew years , and this is how we are thanked for our blood. Again I am full blooded French and for the first time in my 64 years of live an ashamed of it. As for the IRA , I dident support them not at all . I will say this about that , I can see why they were doing what they were. And I still cannot understand the situation in Belfast and how England is handeling it. It seems so wrong , on both sides. The auzzies have stood tall by our sides through out history and I am vary prowd to have them as our friends. Even though they talk funny ! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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