March 23, 200321 yr comment_31002 Interesting reading, Dwight.I'm not sure about the part regarding how long Rome ruled the world. They did so by being fairly barbaric to many other countries and societies. Not sure we wanna go there. Modern warfare is far deadlier than that waged by the Romans. (a greater scale); and the methods used are rapidly changing. There is far more damage to be done now days by a few dedicated individuals (with bio-weapons, or a box or radioactive dirt) than could ever have been achieved by a few disgruntled Roman slaves.I do agree, and enjoyed reading some of the other points made in the forwarded text that you posted. Our country SHOULD be as concerned with which countries we like, as well as which countries like us. We cannot be all things to all people, and shouldn't try to do so. Picking a choosing our friends, and being friends to those that are worthy to have US as friends makes total sense.------------------------------------Does your wife not allow you to smoke in the house, or are you just concerned with the health effects of 2nd hand smoke on your children? Either way,I know the feeling, as I used to smoke, and eventually had to visit the garage to do so, to placate the Mrs. I've since quit smoking, and am glad (now) that I did. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
March 23, 200321 yr comment_31004 I smoke 2-3 cigars a week......... ussually when I need to get out out of the real world and day dream....... I go for a walk while I do it so that cancels the bad effects out (I am kidding). My wife actually likes the smell of cigars but since she is pregnant, I won't smoke around her. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
March 23, 200321 yr comment_31007 Originally posted by Arizona240z My wife actually likes the smell of cigars but since she is pregnant, I won't smoke around her. Good for You! Everybody needs to get away by thenselves for a bit, probably safer to enjoy your smoke this way, than to chance something with your new kid. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
March 23, 200321 yr comment_31032 :love: :love: Hey CARL, I'm your fwiend, I'm your fwiend, I'm your fwiend. I'm your fwiend too Dwight. Rick. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
March 23, 200321 yr comment_31040 I hope, and believe that we all remain friends here on this website, in spite of any differences that we may have on this (or any) subject. We're just airing diffeent views, none of us will probably change anyones view of things, but we can expand the understanding that each of us has of this very serious and complex issue. There is a lot to gained or lost by our countries. It is good to see that so many people speak with passion and care so much about what is going on. The world is changing before our eyes. Let's just hope that it changes for the good of all in the long run. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
March 23, 200321 yr comment_31066 Hey Beandip The Aussies don't talk funny - just the rest of the world talks funny!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
March 24, 200321 yr comment_31165 :tapemouth Hey there biker, We should get bean dipped to sink half a dozen fourex mate, then we'd see who talks funny. Our booze has a higher alcoholic content than their weak stuff. Rick. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
March 24, 200321 yr comment_31166 Hey Carl, How's that for changing the subject ??????. Rick. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
March 24, 200321 yr comment_31172 Originally posted by 1 Bravo 6 Hey Carl, How's that for changing the subject ??????. Rick. Rick: Next time how about we change the subject to..............Girls! A subject we all can sink our teeth into! (except maybe Bonnie):stupid: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
March 24, 200321 yr comment_31180 Yes, let's start "Boops" again, that's more funny than looking at the allied forces shooting each others planes and helicopters or turn the wrong way at desert crossings.Rolf Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
March 24, 200321 yr comment_31217 Dwight,Sorry, got lost in the DIY this weekend !"Sadam would never surrender or submit and give up his toys" - so why did Bush ask him too ? And this 'factory' of chemical weapons ? Is he still looking to justify this war to the world ?Yeah go it alone ! Turkey did an about face, just soon enough to prepare and send troops into Iraqi Kurd 'cos the last thing they want is an independant Kurdistan !And if the US keeps on killing British soldiers/marines, airmen and one of favourite journalists, the pressure back home on Blair will pull them out too ! I just spent the evening at my parents and they have CNN and all the British satellite channels !Joe Galloway - I wish he'd do us all a favour and stop doing us favours ! Anyone read what really happened at Bong Son plain, filmed with Mel Gibson as We Were Soldiers ?Why is there all this emphasis on who likes who and who helped who out in the past ? This is today and the US benefited enormously in the Pacific basin after the second world war with commercially 'dependant' countries. OK, good for you guys, those countries were reconstructed but don't feed me hypocrisy and tell me it was done out of kindness and I hope you didn't expect them to like you for it either ! Who likes being dependant ?From California, I err, from the Mayflower, you've gradually been heading west which leaves you currently in the middle east - if there was no oil, you'd have moved on long ago to really get your teeth into Africa. True, we Europeans have been everywhere before you and f***ed up, doesn't mean that they're gonna like you guys ( even with your very best intentions) more !BTW, if you moved out of Germany, who would the Germans be defending against ? A lot of people feel that your troops staioned in Europe are a first front to protect New York from ??? the rooussians ? Get out and save money and do the same for Korea.Here, the French goverment has just announced a major war - on cancer which here, kills 150,000 a year, targetting CIGARS, no really, all tobacco will directly kills 30,000.You gotta kid on the way, congrats and I wish your wife and baby good health - shouldn't you concentrate on being around for him/her (?). I bet you drive a bit more defensively now, keep that habit and ditch the other !Me too, I feel, I will retire from this thread, then someone starts churning out all the old stuff and it gets on my t*ts.No offense to anyone and I excuse myself for being a provocative sonofabitch !I'll leave you with this :This weekend, I chatted with a retired, I'll admit it, French army guy who'd been on an exchange with some soviets, years ago.He had asked them which countries' soldiers they feared the most.They replied, first the Germans, then the British, then the French (perhaps out of courtesy as thier fighting history since Napoleon has been a bit sad !) and lastly the Americans. Why? they were asked. Because we consider them not to be 'real' soldiers, they're are too soft ! Meaning that they were too confortably looked after !He quoted to me and I repeat his words to you ! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
March 24, 200321 yr comment_31238 ** after typing this up, I've read it, stared at it and almost deleted it but here it is I should have avoided this until I've had a chance to relax from work**Sean (everyone)Leave the crap about telling me that smoking is bad for you to the liberal freaks that not only want freedom to do as they want but also the freedom to tell everyone what, when, where, why and how they can do what they want (the majority of those same people would legalize marijuana in a heartbeat). Honestly, I've had enough of that am just about ready to exercise my right to bear arms so I can commit unspeakable acts against the next person that tells me I'm gonna die from my 2 or 3 Cohiba Robusto cigars that I smoke per week. For what it's worth I used to chew a little over a can of Skoal tobacco on a daily basis. I quit because I decided I wanted to quit, not because my wife nagged me about it or the "pukey, smelly, disgusting habit" commercials. With that said...the "anti-smoking" idealogy is another topic that should be left out of here.I don't think they are looking for the weapons or he factories to justify the war to the world. I believe that when the war is done, the naysayers will be proven wrong. I also believe that the naysayers should be left out of profiting from the end result in any way shape or form.... Don't get m wrong Ihave already said, I don't want a "Little America" I want the citizens of the country to decide what type of Government they want.As far as the US killing British soldiers and Blair having to pull out because of this........ Most people accept that these accidents are unfortunate and unavoidable. I do believe, however, that any soldier commiting acts that have the intent to kill or injure civillians or soldiers on the same side should be punished to the fullest extent of the law.Joe Galloway..... Whatever., you see it your way, I'll see it mine. Personally, I don't care who likes me and who doesn't, Personally and as a country. Excuse me if this gets a little rude... I'm sick and tired of everyone claiming that thish is about oil......... It is about a Dictator and his "regime" of bandits who see fit to allow terrorists to train in his country, who offers $25,000 (or somewhere in that ballpark) to any family who offers up a member to go on a suicide bombing mission that kills civillans, who kills his own people if they so much as mention publicly that they don't like his ways and who agrees not to accumulate certain weapons. Maybe for the French the war is about the possibilty of loosing whatever special oil or weapons deals you guys have but that isn't the story on this side. We get a minimal amount of our oil from there, it isn't worth it for the oil.Yeah yeah yeah we've moved west and want to take over the world........ I'm sick of that one as well, just because we broke down the wall, brought a great peaceful end to the cold war and would like to make the world a better place we are horrible people........... Then why in the hell do so many people in this world stop at nothing to either move here or be like us. If we are so horrid let everyone stay home.Of course the Russians feared everyone more than the Americans, thats why we were in the proverbial arms race with them! (sarcasm intended).With that said, I'm going to go smoke a cigar, drive like a bat out of hell for a while, and drink my whiskey straight from the bottle!Or maybe just watch tv for a bit. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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