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We were very proud last night to see our members do so well at this years ZCON!

I am sad to report that Jim Arnett is actually a vacuum and not human (as demonstrated by how he cleaned up the place).

Mike and his son Alex warmed up by taking a muscle car award at a competition in Texas before coming to ZCON! Those two are a first class tag team! There are a few reports of temporary blindness caused by opening their hood in the bright sunlight of Memphis. I hope their insurance covers this!

Zup's minty low mileage 73 won a well deserved award! Even though it was silver covered, it was golden yesterday.

Lot of photos were taken by others that will show up soon.

The highlights for me were meeting the gang and also seeing our better halves connect and have fun. Too bad they exchanged notes on how to tame our hobbies!

Zup and I turned wrenches and drove his car at midnight last night...it was a blast that helped me get through a week of not tooling or driving a Z... BIG THANKS!

It is always amazing to meet new faces just to realize that we are all so much alike: Patcon, Siteunseen, S30Driver....as well to meet old friends: Bpilati, Captain Obvious, SteveJ, and the great racer Gnose!


Edited by Blue

A fantastic trip, just back.

With Jim Arnett's awards, it was like sitting at the table with Steven Spielburg at the academy awards when Jurassic Park won.


So great to see Zup's beautiful car win 2nd place in a tough class.


Talking to Mr. M with Captain Obvious was an unexpected surprise & honor.  (for am hour, the Captain no longer felt insignificant)


Meeting all the great people & getting them to enhance my glove box door made the trip very special ...



Edited by S30Driver



Home safely, with hope everyone else returned home safely also.


Some of the most precious memories of my lifetime are with me now when I drive my Zilver 240Z.

I am in awe of you guys----for your  intelligence and kindness.

To shake the hand and meet each and every one of you was a dream come true.


To shake Mr. M's hand and meet him was not even considered possible by me-- but it happened! 


To have Blue drive and tune my carbs under the Kroger parking lot lights at Midnight was as incredible as Mr. Blue himself. WOW---Blue you are the best.


Steve J---seems I've known you forever and wish you were my next door neighbor.


Captain Obvious----you are one of the most significant people I have ever met. May we meet again soon my friend.


Patcon---loved the conversation with you-- let me know if I can help in any way when you start putting your Z back together.


BPilati---great breakfast chat---let me know if I can help you source for your A/C.


Mike W---my apologies that I never had a chance to talk with you much, but I did mange to shake your hand---congrats on the win in Texas and the win at ZCON! 


siteunseen---you are an elusive slippery soul my friend--here then gone----but one of the most genuine and entertaining I have ever met. I could spend a day with you, but I'm driving. Roll Tide/Go Hogs!


jfa.series1---my sincere congratulations on your stunning sweep. Has anyone previously accomplishing a score of 298 of 300 for Exterior, Interior and Engine--- winning Best of Show--- and receiving a Gold Cup Award in one evening at any ZCON??

I think you have accomplished a truly unique feat that will stand for a long time and is testament to your passion for your Z.

3 Cheers and a Hip! Hip! Hoorah! to you----well done!!!!

I owe you a debit of gratitude for giving me a nudge to show Zilver at ZCON 2015----thank you Jim.


And to you----S30driver---my best friend /brother I never had till now----Jim, thank you so much for a wonderful trip together----I still can't believe you are here in Arkansas. I think there is a drive or two in our future---Branson Zfest and the Pig Trail for sure!





Lastly----a tremendous THANK YOU!! to everyone here at CZCC. If it weren't for your posts, help, patience and knowledge I never would have learned to love the Z as I do.


You have all made this old man very happy to be alive-----sign me as 



Edited by Zup


For those of us not fortunate to have met each other, how about telling us who each person is in your dinner photo? That would be so neat to have an image in the mind for whenever reading their posts, etc.

By the way, if you look close at the lady on the left end, the fellow behind her looks like a ghost with no lower extremities and hovering, showing the flowers the table behind y'all. Until I figured out he must have been a server! Ha!



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