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The news about the attack on Iraq is probably not news to many of us here in the club.

However, I wanted to open up a topic about this just to talk and share opinions. Keep checking back and share links with each other as this event unfolds.

As of right now, the US remains poised for an attack as the 8pm ET (today) deadline approaches.

It appears that the US has support from many countries. But, it still appears that the UN is still not supporting this action.

Last night I caught part of the presentation given by the British Prime Minister Tony Blair. While I sat and watched his strong presentation, a lot of the reasoning behind the attack began to make sense.

There are various opinions about the subject and I would like to open a discussion about it.

I realize that many people will have different opinions on this matter. Please understand that your opinion is welcome and I will do what I can to minimize flame wars. And, if you are strong about a certain position on this matter, please don't flame those who might disagree.

Let's share with each other (links, ideas, etc) and keep talking about it as the event unfolds. All members are encouraged to participate and especially those from outside the US.

We are a global group with many different cultures and races. Keep this in mind when posting your comments. Thanks everyone. Let's talk!!


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Iraq has massdestruction wepons!!! ups..can´t find any??? well I´ll kill Saddam..hmmm ups he´s gone...ok we got the oil thats nice....hey look Syria ..yeah Syria they have massdestruction wepons! I´m sure..here we go again...whats up !? somebody stop that freak Bush! before he ****s up the world for all of us! :stupid: :stupid: How can such a great country(the states) and a great people(the Americans) live with such a jerk for president ???! :surprised and I must say I´m not proud at all right now to be a Dane we have a ****ed up goverment at the moment supporting the war aswell..... what a waste of lives(both US and Iraqi people) this war is...:disappoin it makes me :sick:

Hi bambi!

Yeah I know this war situation divided up the people in two in the states! And I asure you Bambi I´m not judging all just because the one in the White House. I like Americans alot be sure of that! America is alomost as different as Europe right? I mean New York compaired with New Orleans is as different as Denmark and France. So thats why saying you dont like the Americans is like saying that you dont like Europeans, its too huge and different to judge all.

I´m glad that we share the same point of view on this war issue Bambi...

ps I´m actually planning a trip to New Orleans this summer ! I have heard alot of the good music and happy people making superb meals! ...cant wait.....




We really aren't divided........ The support for BOTH the troops and the war has been strong. Yes there are some protesters, they have a right to protest, but the reason the realatively small number of protesters get so much media attention is because of the Hollywood hacks that are MOSTLY uneducated jumping in and making stupid little comments.

Both Bush and Blair have seen a rise in the "popularity polls" What do the polls say about the Leaders of France, Germany and Russia? (I'm asking not being scarcastic, I'd like to know).

Hi Arizona240Z,

the popularity of the german leader did not fall because of the results of that "one way war" and there is no stronger support to Mr. Bush or Mr. Blair than before but because of our leader's inconsequent and unprofessional economical and social politics. The unemployment is rising as well as our public debts and there is no end to see.


Most people support the troops whether they support the war or not.

My 75 year old mother who is a member of the V.F.W. Auxillary (that's Veterans of Foreign Wars Aux. ;for the spouses of Veterans). has been President of the local chapter many times over the years and is a Lifetime Member tells me that she and almost half of the women in the local chapter here are opposed to the war. Of course they are still doing their "bit" to support the troops by sending "we care" packages to them, and providing support services to the families left behind.

Regarding Bushs popularity, I ask that you check this out:3/11/03 USA Today /Gallup Poll It was prepared just before the war "officially" broke out. His support then was 40%. Since then Bush's support rating have reportedly risen (I couldn't find a good article) as the outcome of the war has become clear, and the expected Terrorist responses in the US have failed to materialize. One can attribute this to several factors:

  1. Relief that the war is being won quickly
  2. Relief that there have been none of the expected terrorist attacks on the home front
  3. people hopping on the bandwagon after the fact (everybody want to be seen with a "winner")
    Lastly there are many people who are against the war, but are NOT "protesters". You won't see us on the news at 6PM with either a Flag ,or Anti-war placard in our hand...... but we are here.

Hi Datsundan et al,

Well, I haven't posted but I've listened to the news on the radio and it's even more scary than I pictured. Now that Bush has invested the US military into the region, gotta do something else with it, yeah Syria but next Iran, Yemen.... These are clear bully-boy tactics and you guys had better stay strong 'cos you're winning no firends. Have you noticed that there are no complaints against the UK,Spain, Australia and Italy ? BTW what do Italy do, supply the troops with hot pizzas ?

Bush reckons that if he sold the idea of mass destructive weapons and terrorism once, it'll work again without contemplating the damage done to the UN.

If Bush (and I now seperate him from the US as he's working for himself and I can't feel that he represents fully informed intelligent voters) was thee for the people, why didn't we see troops gaurding humanitarian establishments and engineers working to get the water and electricity on line ? Powell said that the looting is normal after being liberated so why didn't anyone give the orders to reduce it's effect on the sufferers ?

I did notice that troops were gaurding petrol sites !

And are the Iraqis expressing their jubalence over being liberated or are they feeling invaded ?

Clearly the neighbouring countries are very keen to see the coalition move out (without proclaiming a Kurdish independant state).

And where is democracy when contracts are awarded without competitive tendering as per the reconstruction in Iraq ? It stinks !

Does anyone still believe that money wasn't the prime motivator in this war with liberation and the riddance of Saddam and his invisible weapons a poor second place ?

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