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The news about the attack on Iraq is probably not news to many of us here in the club.

However, I wanted to open up a topic about this just to talk and share opinions. Keep checking back and share links with each other as this event unfolds.

As of right now, the US remains poised for an attack as the 8pm ET (today) deadline approaches.

It appears that the US has support from many countries. But, it still appears that the UN is still not supporting this action.

Last night I caught part of the presentation given by the British Prime Minister Tony Blair. While I sat and watched his strong presentation, a lot of the reasoning behind the attack began to make sense.

There are various opinions about the subject and I would like to open a discussion about it.

I realize that many people will have different opinions on this matter. Please understand that your opinion is welcome and I will do what I can to minimize flame wars. And, if you are strong about a certain position on this matter, please don't flame those who might disagree.

Let's share with each other (links, ideas, etc) and keep talking about it as the event unfolds. All members are encouraged to participate and especially those from outside the US.

We are a global group with many different cultures and races. Keep this in mind when posting your comments. Thanks everyone. Let's talk!!


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Originally posted by DRECORD

Are Democrat bombs, good bombs??

If America put Saddam in power, is it ok to leave him there?

Isn't there more Socialist in the U.N. than Capitalists??

If N. Korea is a bigger threat, would the peace activists support bombing them??

Can any Democrat in congress answer these questions with a simple 'yes' or 'no'??

a final note. there is peace.....when nobody stands up to a tyrant. There is peace...... after victory. I choose the later.

now, back to working on my Z. I got gas to burn.

in order:

All bombs are bad, but good CAN come from the use of them in the right circumstances.

We had no business putting Saddam in a position to become powerful, now we are complaining because he doesn't do as we want. Do two wrongs make a right?

So, are you advocating spreading Capitalism to countries by force so the score in the UN can be evened out?

Not at this time, but I would be more inclined to support some action eventually since N. Korea poses a more realistic, direct threat to the US. Posession of nuclear materials AND a delivery system that can reach our country.

In Congress they may be able to answer with a simple Yes, or No; but I sure can't. Too many variables. But I do have general opinions, just like many of the rest of you.

Any war is wrong . However some times we have to protect ourselves and others , this is another Hitler. We cannot just stand by and let him dominate less powerful countries and thret our own people . There is no other alternative. Do it now or do it later with a greater loss of life. I cannot believe a thinking person can say that this was an unpervoked attack for God sake , read your recent history , just the past 25 yrs. It's been one thing after another . If we continue to show that we will just want to talk and discuss what to do when we are attacked then we will be percieved as weak . We are now reaping what has been the perception for the last 9--10 years. Finely we have a leader with BALLS and honor and enough guts to stand strong to do what is right , I also think the same for Blair . I personally know what it is like to loose a family member to war , and I dont take this lightly by anny means . We as a country and leaders of the free world have a duty to stand tall and do what we must. I hate war it's such a waist of lives, and such a source of misery for all involved.

As a former member of the military, I was in the Air Force, and it being my old Squadron that has been sent over to Iraq, I know a lot of the good people that are there. None of these people have chosen to go they have been sent by our Government.

Australia at the moment like a lot of other countries around the world are having anti war protests. This is their right to do this but not to the dettriment of others around them.

Wheather we agree or disagree with what is happening outside all our countries at the moment all our energies should be going to support our troops that have gone to try and make the world a safer place for all of us. Yes they like myself joined the forces voluntarily, but it is not there choice to go, they go whithout question because it is their job to do so.

I believe this is something we all have to do to get rid of Saddam.


Well, as a former vet (U.S. Air Force) there are many way's at looking at this.

First i would like to say; where doe's the u.s. goverment get off telling other countries they cannot have "bombs of mass destruction", when we are the worlds LARGEST manufacturer of the very same weapons of destuction?

Who made us the judge and the jury? Imagine if another country went to the United Nations and said "the United States must disarm!" What do you think would happen? Nothing, they would be shuffeled off to some far corner to ponder their "perposterous" accusations!

ANYONE who thinks this war is about ANYTHING other than OIL and the control of it has been buying into the U.S. propaganda machine!!!!

That being said, despite ALL of that, we must support our troups while they are there, otherwise we would not be able to offer up opions freely on this subject (as we are doing here) without being swept off to some dungeon like the Iraqi people often have to encounter.

We as rational thinking people should discourage war and yet support the rights of those who fight for OUR freedom and democracy.

I do not pass judgement of a country based on one lunitic that may run it. The people there say what Saddam wants to hear while he is in power, but, under the surface, wait, hope and pray for a U.S. invasion!

God Bless America and our troops!

just a little food for thought.

has anyone not noticed that all this didnt come about and or wan not a problem and or any big deal till BUSH became president,

hmm coincidence???

all was fine and well till..... ever think that BUSH is trying to finish daddy's war?

something for you to chew on

Originally posted by ZmeFly

just a little food for thought.

has anyone not noticed that all this didnt come about and or wan not a problem and or any big deal till BUSH became president,

hmm coincidence???

all was fine and well till..... ever think that BUSH is trying to finish daddy's war?

something for you to chew on

YES. I think there is some truth to this.

But then again, Clinton's "heads" were occupied elsewhere. "They" were busy eating pizza and getting blow jobs in the oval office. :)

Tough to pay attention to world affairs when your having so much fun on the home front! LOL

I'm agin it. Every time we screw around over there, we cAUSe more problems for ourselves than we SOLVE (the Shah, Ayatollah, Hussein). Stupid and unjustified. An unprovoked war of aggression against an asshole dictator who is ZERO threat to us.

Of course I fully support our troops, and wish them best success as quick as possible. I just think it's a shame that our own dictator didn't do a better evaluation of risk/reward.

The cowards in congress shouldn't have been so quick to abdicate their constitutional responsibilities, I don't think they appreciated how irrational our pres could be.

We have zero moral grounds for this action. Oceana here we come.

Now that the debate about right or wrong is over, I hope you will get all the help you will need. It’s good to debate, but in my opinion of a democracy, when a choice is made, everyone should try to give the chosen option the best chance for it’s accomplishment, even if you think it’s wrong. At least no obvious obstruction…

And then we would judge the result at the end, the way the deciders wanted it... time will speak.

From ZmeFly

has anyone not noticed that all this didnt come about and or wan not a problem and or any big deal till BUSH became president,

To an extent...... yes he is trying to finish his Daddy's war... The UN stopped the first Bush from finishing.

And if Clinton had been able to do anything with his pants on, maybe he would have taken care of it. MY OPINION is that he should have been FULLY impeached.

I said it, it's out there, I am one of those "right wing nuts"

Originally posted by Arizona240z

To an extent...... yes he is trying to finish his Daddy's war... The UN stopped the first Bush from finishing.

IMHO, the UN screwed up at that time and should have allowed the military effort to continue until Hussain was captured, so that he could be tried in a court of law for the crime of attacking Kuwait. The Iraqi people, and the world would have been far better off if it were done that way instead of giving him a 2nd chance to become an aggressor. The (stronger than now) Gulf War coalition had a legitimate reason to go after him at that time, but failed to complete the job. By allowing him to stay in power it was as if the world said "You aren't a bad man, you were just misguided in attacking Kuwait. We'll give you another chance."

The UN leadership of the time and Bush Sr. were FOOLS to stop short of capturing him and putting him on trial!

History tells us that to make progress, we have to fall then get back up. Ever since 2000 we've been falling. Jobs lost, the cost of living going up, the jobs that we still have or who's still working, they're not getting raises to keep up with the cost of living. We're already in a recession. The next step is DEPRESSION! Don't forget people, everything we have is only TEMPORARY. Even our Z'sssss....

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