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Let's build us a club race car ?

Caen Fred

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If your not already caged then you may want to re-consider.

ROP regulations in the CAMS manual require a certified engineered cage now-a-days.

Good bye more dollars [last quote was 3K], don't forget the National Rally Licence as well and you can probably appreciate why many of us have dropped out of full time rallying.

Ah... the good old days and albatrosses.

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Full cage, I'm afraid, and engineers certificate.

Depending on the event you will need a

2NS, 2S or Rally Licence.

The GP Rally required 2NS, whist the Forest Classic requires a 2S, can't figure that one out and will be speaking to the event checker about it tonite.

Forest events at State Level require a NRL and car must be caged, Club Introductory 2S and no cage, whilst International such as Targa, [not sure where the Classic Adelaide fits here] require International.

Bring back the good old days........

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i was thinking more targa road events, i dont want to cover my paint job in to many stone chips! i was pretty geared up to run in this years east coast classic with my car as is. it only requires a CAMS 2 licence, but the touring class ( no cage ) has a course speed limit! thats why i was looking at a cage but im not to keen on having the tubes run through the ends my dashboard.

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No intl licence needed...

driven by American in USA

Aussie in Australia

Brits in UK

French in 'HELL???????'ROFL ROFL ROFL

One of the thing that could be done is a ground-up rebuilding, with lots of picts and explanation on the site... Chapter after chapter, month after month... We would all learn from this.

It's not about driving, we mostly have (will have) a Z that's runing on it's one. It's more about a nice project and advertising for a great site with the best peoples from ALL OVER THE WORLD :love:

So who is in, I want names: ...

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Originally posted by Caen Fred

all we need is a go...

And some pretty good financial sponsors. :D

I considered taking my '71 project and turning it into a club car. No problem, but, just not sure where to get the money to finish it right.

See my project HERE.

-- Mike :bunny:

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