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Posting your ride, please read!


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So, you wanna post a pic of your ride? Go for it. We wanna see it. Just a few rules.

1) Max image size = 640x480

2) Picture Resolution = Any (but please resize to 640x480)

2) Color Depth = Any

3) Compression/format = JPEG or JPG preferred

You can either supply a link to your picts from other sites within the message. Or, you can also attach a file to the end of separate messages.

To post more than one pic of your car, submit one message and then post the rest as REPLIES to your original message.

3) Give us good descriptions! We need to know what we're looking at.

4) JPG images will show up in the messages. Other formats will only show up as "click to see" links.

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  • 3 years later...

I'd suggest only a few good photos. Like a couple of the outside and a couple of the inside (if you can get a wide angle view of the inside with good lighting). Maybe one at speed doing something special (autoX or rally) Some people take a dozen pics at the same angle or bodypart and try to pass them off as different. How many photos do you really need??? Not just one of the front quarter up close then farther away, then real far away. Take a look at some car mags and see what those photographers are doing. They go for different angles and body parts.

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Don't forget extra points for Hotties on, in, or near the car....

or as Tomohawk suggested: "Maybe one at speed doing something special..."

Female members may take "Hotties" to be male for their posts...gotta keep it fair for the ladies...


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Now don't be modest. Maybe a Tom Seleck look a like. Hawaian shirt, shades, jaunty pose, something like this maybe:


I thought you meant to strip halfway naked, hose yourself with oil, and lay on the hood...

That is a visual that I could do without. :sick:

(unless it was a female hotty)

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