>>>Alphadog wrote: I refer to my Z as a male, because after all it's pretty damn masculine if you ask me. A female name doesn't fit, IMO. >>>
I agree. I have had alot of Z's. Named them all.
First was an '80 280ZX. Named it after the Chinese God of Nine Hells: Yenlowong. After the brakes failed and the car crashed, I suppose in retropect naming a car after this was not such a good idea.
Second Z (bought exactly 3 hours after crashing my first) was a '81 280ZX. Named it SunhouTzu after the Monkey King or the Iron Monkey, a popular Chinese character in mythology. He stormed the gates of hell and tricked the Devil several times. I thought it appropriate. That is until some pregnant woman in a Geo Tracker broadsided me in a construction zone. Yep, she was speeding too. But she cried. And the officer didn't ticket her and refused to acknowledge the construction zone limit. So I got nothing.
Third, Forth, and Fifth Z came as a package at the same time on an estate sale. I got a '77 280Z, '78 208Z, and a '70 240Z. The 240Z was in bad shape but I called it Cujo because it ran decent enough. I ended up selling it for a few hundred to a local kid who didn't realize what a nice car it could be if he had only taken his time with it and took it apart and scraped it shortly later. the '77 was named Gloria, due to its gold color and gawdy rims. I drive her for awhile but I suspected frame damage due to the fact I was buying used tires every other week for it. I sold her to a friend who still has it. The '78 never really ran right. The FI was ripped out and Webber Carbs put in. It smoked and whined alot, hense I named it Andrea after a woman I knew who did the same. I parked it at a junk yard that sold Z's. Got 20 bucks.
Sixth Z was a pleasure. I bought a '73 240Z from a guy in Oklahoma city. Body on the car looked great but the original L24 in it was shot. Hard. I still had my Webber carbs from Andrea so spent an hour putting them on and got it somewhat running and limped it home to Tulsa. Since I still had SunHouTzu sitting in my dirveway, wrecked under a cover, I decided that I since I had gotten rid of the other Z's and it had a L28, might as well kill two birds with one stone. I spent 4 months rebuilding that L28. It looked so sweet when it was done. Got my Z therapy carbs on it and had all the machine work done locally. Dropped the '81 5-speed in it and it looked great! I drove it everyday for 2 years afterwords. Decided to name it Neo. Not original considering the Matrix had just come out but it was cool to me and thus it stuck. Money issues forced me to sell it. Which stunk because it was probably my funnest Z to drive.
Seventh Z, my current Z, is named Miyamoto; a '75 280Z named after the famous Japanese Samauri Miyamoto Mushashi from the book of the five rings. I picked her up from a SWAT team member from Sapulpa. I had originally planned to keep two Z's. Neo for the summer and Miyamoto for the winter. Neo was carbed so ran best during the summer but Miyamoto is FI. Like I said, money issues forced me to get rid of one. I still to this day wonder if I chose the right one. Miyamoto runs and drives very nicely. The guy I got it from had stripped it down and sandblasted it and then rebuilt it and painted it. The engine seemed quite strong and ran great so I never had the heart to rebuild it. Although it does not rev or run quite like Neo did.
>>>Alphadog wrote: I refer to my Z as a male, because after all it's pretty damn masculine if you ask me. A female name doesn't fit, IMO. >>>
I agree. I have had alot of Z's. Named them all.
First was an '80 280ZX. Named it after the Chinese God of Nine Hells: Yenlowong. After the brakes failed and the car crashed, I suppose in retropect naming a car after this was not such a good idea.
Second Z (bought exactly 3 hours after crashing my first) was a '81 280ZX. Named it SunhouTzu after the Monkey King or the Iron Monkey, a popular Chinese character in mythology. He stormed the gates of hell and tricked the Devil several times. I thought it appropriate. That is until some pregnant woman in a Geo Tracker broadsided me in a construction zone. Yep, she was speeding too. But she cried. And the officer didn't ticket her and refused to acknowledge the construction zone limit. So I got nothing.
Third, Forth, and Fifth Z came as a package at the same time on an estate sale. I got a '77 280Z, '78 208Z, and a '70 240Z. The 240Z was in bad shape but I called it Cujo because it ran decent enough. I ended up selling it for a few hundred to a local kid who didn't realize what a nice car it could be if he had only taken his time with it and took it apart and scraped it shortly later. the '77 was named Gloria, due to its gold color and gawdy rims. I drive her for awhile but I suspected frame damage due to the fact I was buying used tires every other week for it. I sold her to a friend who still has it. The '78 never really ran right. The FI was ripped out and Webber Carbs put in. It smoked and whined alot, hense I named it Andrea after a woman I knew who did the same. I parked it at a junk yard that sold Z's. Got 20 bucks.
Sixth Z was a pleasure. I bought a '73 240Z from a guy in Oklahoma city. Body on the car looked great but the original L24 in it was shot. Hard. I still had my Webber carbs from Andrea so spent an hour putting them on and got it somewhat running and limped it home to Tulsa. Since I still had SunHouTzu sitting in my dirveway, wrecked under a cover, I decided that I since I had gotten rid of the other Z's and it had a L28, might as well kill two birds with one stone. I spent 4 months rebuilding that L28. It looked so sweet when it was done. Got my Z therapy carbs on it and had all the machine work done locally. Dropped the '81 5-speed in it and it looked great! I drove it everyday for 2 years afterwords. Decided to name it Neo. Not original considering the Matrix had just come out but it was cool to me and thus it stuck. Money issues forced me to sell it. Which stunk because it was probably my funnest Z to drive.
Seventh Z, my current Z, is named Miyamoto; a '75 280Z named after the famous Japanese Samauri Miyamoto Mushashi from the book of the five rings. I picked her up from a SWAT team member from Sapulpa. I had originally planned to keep two Z's. Neo for the summer and Miyamoto for the winter. Neo was carbed so ran best during the summer but Miyamoto is FI. Like I said, money issues forced me to get rid of one. I still to this day wonder if I chose the right one. Miyamoto runs and drives very nicely. The guy I got it from had stripped it down and sandblasted it and then rebuilt it and painted it. The engine seemed quite strong and ran great so I never had the heart to rebuild it. Although it does not rev or run quite like Neo did.
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