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The amazing achievements of the American military could not have been accomplished without the defense policy of former President Clinton. Even those of you that are blinded by ideology or partisanship must admit that the military might of the U.S. was developed prior to Dubya.

Bush has been throwing money at the pentagon but none of it has resulted in the development of the high tech weaponry used in Iraq. Clinton had 8 years to get ready for Iraq. And yet Clinton was accused of gutting our military capabilities.

All honest Americans must give Clinton some credit for this victory over such the huge and overwhelming threat that Iraq posed.

I hope that el Presidente, Rummy and Wolfy do not gloat over the outcome of the invasion. It was sort of like Hulk Hogan beating up my 5th grade niece and bragging about it.

I am very happy the Sadam is gone, at least for now he is gone. So now Bush rationalizes that, in addition to Bin Laden, capturing or killing Hussain is no longer a priority. We just pick someone else to topple to take the masses minds off our failure to accomplish our goals of capturing or killing these guys. Who's next?

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what the hell are you talking about?

I suppose while Gore was inventing the Internet, Clinton was developing satellite surveillance technology, training in-country special ops personnel, and fine-tuning GPS targeting systems.

The technological advances were made in the private sector. Special ops training was in place long before President George Bush the 1st.

President Clinton deserves SOME credit on SOME issues... but this, my friend, is NOT one of them.

Furthermore, when speaking of ideologies, politics, etc., ("Even those of you that are blinded by ideology or partisanship must admit that the military might of the U.S. was developed prior to Dubya.") your ideological leaning is obvious.

You refer to President Clinton as "President Clinton", while you refer to today's administration as "el Presidente, Rummy and Wolfy"???!

- Do I like President Clinton? Not at all.

- Do I respect his position/office? You see what I call him, don't you?

I see you're from Washington... based upon your discredit to our Commander-in-Chief, I can only assume that you voted for that clown Governor you have(?). He was classic in his pre-war speech on the Democratic Party position. Only Mr. Daschle could have done better!

The only thing I remember Slick Willie doing for the military is speeding up Base Closings, Reductions in Force (RIF) and overall reductions in Military Spending.

Since I know of at least 10 servicemen who were RIF'ed involuntarily, and of at least 4 Air Force bases that were closed after major new construction had been effected, while at the same time hearing how the minimum time in service for Base Retirement (i.e. when you were first eligible) was raised, I would say that Willie did to the military as he did to Monica Lewinsky and Paula Jones. Except the military didn't get nice makeovers afterward.

oh now, clinton did do something, he sent a million dollar missile to blow up a 10 dollar tent once :-)

dont forget the brady bill! big victory there for the anti gunners (read anti bill of rightests)

he redefined what sex was

I cant go on, I feel sick

Not one to venture into Political talk often.

However - Sitting in a far away place, though watching intently all that happens in your country over the years, I cannot say I witnessed the great improvement to the military that Mr C apparently did for your nation... I am very lucky to have 2 good friends Stateside whom are both retired Airforce Colonels... Long talks with them over a few beers, coffees and good meals I gained the opinion your miltary and security forces had been hobbled to a major degree and worse - weakend!

I too remember:

Rwanda - think it was near 1 million killed/murdered there and still rising... Mr C said no to assistance there of any kind!

Somalia - the total disaster left there! A copout to the U.S servicemen who put their lives on the line and the ones who didnot make it when Mr C pulled the plug on them! Try visiting Somalia now for a holiday, think Mogadishu has cheap rates! The country is still in civil war/poverty and starvation. Now being run by a warlords' son whom was educted and military trained in the U.S...

Serbian conflict - how many died there before Mr C took action???

Timor conflict - took an arm and a leg to get Mr C to assist us Aussies with the mass murders and terror taking over the country. Even then he wouldn`t send servicemen. To think, all the times we went and assisted him....

Yep, can`t see what to cogratulate him on, but then I am an outsider looking in!

cheers, cam......

ps: am planning to become a 1st time Z car owner soon. Great forum....

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