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Well, I am yet another newbie so let me introduce myself:

I am 15 right now and starting to look for a car that is not very expensive, insurance is not that bad and would be a good daily driver. Recently I was looking and found a 240z for $1500 (thats 500 below my budget). It has good milage, a great interior and its biggest problem is paint but we have a family friend who paints cars and can give me a deal on that. The other car I was looking into is a 1992 240sx becasue one of my friends owns one and it not only is fairly quick but also has very low insurance and has great handling. I was wondering if anyone else here had a Z as their first car and what the insurance on it was. Also, my uncle is way into autox and after watching/riding with him while he was racing in his WRX I really want to at least start racing so handling is high on my list of priorities. Also, I am not already pretty handy with working on cars from building up my unc's WRX with him so I plan to do upgrades and tune it mostly myself. What do you guys think I should do? Is the 240z a good first car? I absolutely lovehow they look and I hear they are wonderful to drive. Or do you think a 240sx would be better even though i dont really like how they look. Any help would be great. later

:alien: Jeff :alien:

P.S. - Please dont flame me or anything becasue when I asked this on I-club (subie boards) some people went after me really really bad even after I explained that I had earned this money myself w/o the help of my perents.:alien:

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I'm in a unique position to answer you're question based on the cars I own. I've only purchased 3 cars in my life and still own all of them:

1972 240Z (purchased in 1985 when I was 18)

1990 240SX (purchased new right after college)

2001 PT Cruiser (family car)

Since insurance is a concern you should check into that before doing anything. When I was in college the 240Z was on my father's Allstate policy with me listed as the primary driver. As soon as I bought the 240SX and got my own insurance on it Allstate realized that I was no longer living at home and dropped me immediately from the 240Z. To get my own insurance was outrageous (I seem to recall $2000/yr in 1990). I consequently stopped driving the Z and only used the 240SX.

After letting the Z essentially sit for over 10 years I finally decided to do something with it last December. I cranked it up (first time in years) and drove it to a shop where it's been ever since. They're almost done with it to the tune of about $7000 (professionally rebuilt original engine, new suspension bushings, new brakes rotors, calipers, etc.). That doesn't even count the body work and paint that's coming soon followed by replacing much of the interior. I realize that you're probably not interesting in refreshing the Z (which is what I'm doing - I'm not actually restoring it which is a lot more money).

Many on this forum may disagree but at your age and budget I'd recommend the 240SX. It will be cheaper to insure and easier to maintain. I've got 140,000 miles on mine and it's in much better shape than the 240Z was in when I bought it at about the same age and mileage. Nissan really improved their fit and finish over the years. The 240SX probably doesn't have a cracked dash. It may have ABS and airbags (which is probably a good thing for a first car). It's certainly safer and has a small back seat. The A/C probably works and it has 4 speakers for the stereo (instead of just one for the Z). The rear defroster probably works (I see you're in Colorado).

Perhaps you should consider getting the 240SX as a reliable daily driver and when budget allows pick up the 240Z (or a different 240Z) which you can work on in your spare time. The insurance would probably be cheaper if the Z wasn't your primary car.

Hope that helps ...

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Originally posted by jeffhop

Please dont flame me or anything becasue when I asked this on I-club (subie boards) some people went after me really really bad even after I explained that I had earned this money myself w/o the help of my perents.

This is probably the one place where you won't get flamed for being a newbie. We've all been there. And, I respect the fact that you saved up your own cash instead of relying on your parents... makes you respect your car a little better.

And, besides.... if someone flames you... I'll go after them. :D

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Go with the 240sx for the time being.... You'll end up saving yourself a lot of money in the long run.

Male+sports cars= high insurance till you are 25 now matter where you live anymore.

I had my first 240 when I was 20, and even back in 82 it cost over 700 a year to insure, and that was with a perfect driving record.... Today it would probably be double or triple that amount.

Being fair, if you can afford to buy a 240Z after you buy a 240sx to drive, and fix it little by little over the course of the next 3 or 4 years you would be well on your way to having a decent job, slightly lower insurance premiums (if you can stay out of trouble with the 240sx that is) and when the 240Z is finished, then take out an insurance policy from one of the specialty insurance carriers such as Haggerty's and use it on a limited basis.

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What the hell?! I thought this was a Z forum! ROFL

I am 18 and my first car was/is a 240Z. It breaks down every now and then, and it needs work done to it to be as good condition as a 1990 car, but it LOOKS good, SOUNDS good, and goes pretty good too!

There are loads of Silvias and 180SX's (like your 240SX in America) around here and to be frank I dont like them. They are all good and that for a thrash, but they dont seem to have any character. Not to mention the fact that you won't be able to fix anything yourself.

You say you want to tune cars yourself, well I'm no expert but IMO generally the older the easier.

In the end, the SX is a compromise. More mod-cons but less raw fun. The Z won't be as forgiving and you'll probably have trouble doing it up because you're too busy fixing things that break.

It's your decision though, so my suggestion is to go and drive a few of each and don't hurry things. Sooner or later you'll fall in love with one of them. Either the 4-pot ugly plastic-mobile or the gorgeous straight-6-powered classic. :)

OH and just for the record, I pay around $230 US a year for my insurance, comprehensive. So there. You should probably move to Australia while you're at it... just bring yourself a decent Z we've run out.

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Unfortunately, as far as insurance goes, the fact that you're young and male are your two biggest strikes against you.

Now if you can borrow a girl cousins driver's license for a couple weeks, and have her help you wear some of her clothes, then go down and get insurance that way, then you MIGHT stand a chance of getting lower rates.

Now if you go there with the Z, you're going to get jacked anyhow. It isn't that we are trying to talk you away from the Z, it's just that it is rated a SPORTS Car. Insurance companies see it written as $P:o RT$.

And don't worry about being a newby and getting flamed, I think you'll find that most of us here prefer our newby meat fresh off the hoof. :devious:


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I'd have to say that I agree with alfadog...the Z is much less forgiving, but so, so, so much more fun! Just don't brown your pants up too much when you find out that replacing things is a very regular occurence! Don't get me wrong, these cars will go, and go, and go, and go...and then some! Its just everything apart from the engine that will give you grief!! A more modern car will be more comfy, have more mod cons etc etc but it will be harder to tune, work on, repair and have fun with than a Z! If it was me, I'd get the Z anyday (I'm only 20, so I feel the pain of insurance!)...but thats me...if you love working on a beautiful classic car and don't cringe to much when you see repair or OEM parts bills, then get the Z...on the other hand if all you really want to do is drive your mates around and not worry bout playing with your car very much, go the Plasti-mobile option. DOn't get me wrong, I have a Honda Civic 97' as well which the fiance and I use to get around in alot of the time, but the Z is my FUN car...I have always wanted one, and it ain't goin anywhere now that I have one! (If you want to carry round some mates, get a 2+2...they're damn fun, cruisier and also tend to go for less [the part I like!]).

Cheers newb, and best of luck!

Cheers ppl!:classic:

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G'Day there newby Jeff and WELCOME.

No doubt you have noticed that not one of the replies you've received have flamed you.

Mate, we aint like that.

HMMMMMM, an SX or a Zed ????.

Personally I'd go for the Zed. You're a young bloke and a Zed is a great chick magnet.

I should imagine that at the tender age of 15, you would still have a few years to go before obtaining a licence to drive which may give you time to bring the car to roadworthy condition.

The final decision is, of course, entirely yours.

Hopefully it will be the right one FOR YOU.


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On your insurance question, call for quotes before you buy!! I am dead serious on this one!! I used to work for an insurance company and I can not tell you how many times I got cussed out because someone went out and bought a car then was outraged at the cost of insurance for it. It's their own damn fault for not doing the leg work before buying the vehicle. Please do not be one of those poeple who does not completely research ALL costs associated with the ownership of a certain vehicle (and it looks like you are already doing that by posting your question here).

Now as many of the others have pointed out there are some cost of ownership issue between the 204Z and the 240SX. I don't know as much about that so I will leave that to the ones here who do.

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Yea, check on rates.

My ZX is classified as a "sports car" and the rate are higher than new cars with twice the horsepower, go figure.

The Z is a simple car, generally dependable, parts are available, and there is still support. Why not go for it instead of getting a boring $1,500 car?

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I thank all of you for your help on this one. After seeing your reply's I plan to call the insurance company soon AND test drive both cars because I know people who own both. Right now I am kinda leaning twards the Z even though a lot of you say the SX probably because I saw one yesterday on the road and it just reminded me what a beautiful car it is. All this can change though when I call the insurance company (eeekkk!!) adn see the rates on both.

Oh yeah, thanks for being so friendly! These have got to be some of the best forums out there :classic:

:alien: Jeff :alien:

oh yeah, texasz, I am in the process of doing even more research but I just like to know what other peoples experiances/ feelings on the isssure are because I want to get all sides of the issue.

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