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Ok, it's a done deal. He has been reported to Mindspring, the HR department of the place he works, and the zcar.com admins.

Both his addresses have been blocked so I should not hear from him again...I hope.

I have to agree with gav, there is always someone somewhere willing to bring you down to raise themselves higher. SAD!!! :cry: I too try and contribute here as much as I can, although I do not have much to contribute as I am still only searching for my first Z. But I have always got good info and great help from wonderful people here and will certainly be sticking around this forum....and NOT zcar.com.

As an info-sec professional, I can tell you that if he is sending you unsolicited e-mails -- offensive ones no less, through his ISP and through his office e-mail system, he is going to wind up in mucho trouble... :finger:

It is common practice to terminate employees for misuse of computer and information resources -- most companies do (and all SHOULD) include a bit in your welcome packet as to "how you represent yourself and the company electronically" basically it ends up being a nice CYA for the company because when you report him to the HR department (unless he is the VP of HR LOL) they see a loss in revenue -- thats right, there are actually people in business that realise that impressions are everything. Then you have one summarily dismissed employee -- who usually would like to sue, but given the legal mumbo jumbo, case dismissed! :beard:

I would bet that your reports (you should follow up on them too BTW, if not they may end up looking like a rant from you, and dismissed by the IT and HR departments at his work, and his ISP) will end up leaving him a bit sore...:dead:

My $.02..

But -- I also must say that I only look on that site for the classifieds sometimes... I find the technical info here to be far superior... Plus I have met a few pretty cool people. :)


I am no expert on the law but I would remove your prior post ASAP. In your post you stated that you used ".....a website that I subscribe to at work reserved for law enforcement, attorneys and asset investigators and searched. . ." then published info on this guy. From what we have heard he is an arse but you may have stepped over the line when publishing his address. I would hate to see you and this site get in trouble.

I am not scolding you just a concerned member.

Owen K

I agree, this has gone beyond the limit by quite a bit.

It's not our place to have anything to do with this person as they aren't a member here... If they were and they did something like this to one of our members they would be blocked from the site.

This is something best left to the administrators of zcar.com and the person involved and I caution anyone from doing anything to "get even" with this person.

Reply removed. Although I have every right to post his address and information. The address, name and other contact information was made public the minute he bought a phone, utilities, and advertised his number in a public forum such as a news letter or online advertisement. The website I used is legal under the GLB (Graham-Leach-Bliley) Act as "Necessary to effect or enforce a transaction". I am simply assisting in the attempt to put a cease and desist request in to Mr. Charles R. Cote on behalf of another user.

That being said, I truely do not want anyone feeling like they could "get in trouble" so I removed my post. I was merely demonstrating how easy individuals can locate people because of the ability of the newest web browsing technology.

I suggest that everyone go to www.google.com and type in their name in quotes and see what information comes up. You might be surprised. I put in my name with the name of my town and it pulled a news article and my picture from a softball tournament in 1997. Very eerie. e.g. "John Doe" "Atlanta"

If Mr. Cote chooses to use the internet to harrass someone simply because he really, really wants a Z, he deserves to be poked and proded as well. My .02!!

Hi guys, I've edited this thread and removed (or edited) the bits I thought were not appropriate.

Please try to refrain from posting information about other people here (unless, of course, it's in a positive light). If anyone is serious about finding someone, they can do searches on their own.


-- Mike

phi22b@ck - I too work in the tech field and this is exactly why I reported him to all interested parties. I have heard back from his personal ISP as well as the zcar.com admins but of course nothing from his employer (although I did send them a copy of the message so that they can see just how mean and ugly he is being).

I completely agree that this presents a bad company image and was counting on the HR department seeing it that way too.

mike - Sorry to have posted something I shouldn't have, the bad guy's email addresses. Someone asked for it so I posted it...your are right, I should not have shared that info with everyone like that......just the people who wanted to get back at him :devious: JOKING, I'M JOKING! :classic:

Although I have researched and located all of this person's information, I must stress that I have NOT contacted him or done anything to him in any way. I simply was demonstrating, that with minimal information, and a little internet savvy, anyone can be located.

I realize that I should not have posted his information, not because it's illegal, but for ethical reasons. My apologies Mike.

So if you are looking for that long lost relative, do not pay hundreds or thousands of dollars to some firm that will use the same information available to me for $.75.

Checked this guys feedback on ebay (since he currently has some Z items for sale).

Check this link to see what some others have said about his "Threatening emails". One Ebay user apparently had filed a suit over e-mails by this person.


Its the bottom feedback. The person who left the feedback for this jerk even left the case number for people to look up.

This person has a problem with going innocent individuals on all the websites he uses apparently.

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