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Trying to refurbish the hood louvers.  White ABS plastic ? showing through on about 60% of the surface.  Also the original car color underneath some black.  Assuming the louvers were originally the same color as the car and someone repainted them black?  I did not find a whole lot of answers in the search mode here and basically I want to safely strip the louvers and then refinish them in a satin black finish.  Looking for input on stripping and best refinishing process.  Can those louvers be powdercoated?  Thanks in advance for any suggestions.  Resurrection process is slowly advancing.  Really enjoying the process, John-Lugoff, SC.

Edited by One Way

They were originally body color. I would try a chemical stripper to remove the paint. I'd try it on a small spot on the back to make sure that it doesn't melt it. I can't imagine that they would hold up well in the temps required to powdercoat.



I am not sure about the temperature needed for powder coating but you probably are correct.  Looked into some paint stripper at the auto parts store and the product was for flexible plastic only, and the other stripper was for metal surfaces.  I guess some more research will be needed.  Not sure why the directions read "not for use on rigid plastic".  Thanks again, John-Lugoff, SC.  Will be looking for additional helpful posts.

I think I would sand them as best I could then a couple of coats of the satin black.  A sheet of 220 grit folded in half would probably fit in between the vents?

Rustoleum makes a high temp bar b que satin black.


Edited by siteunseen

i used this on rubber parts with great results  https://www.berrymanproducts.com/products/eco-friendly-products/berryman-chem-dip-carburetor-and-parts-cleaner/    it says that it is safe for plastics. i would try it on something that you can spare first

I just finished my louvers. I used an ultra-fine glass bead in my media cabinet. Took 3 hours for each louver but the results are clean plastic surface. I will still sand each louver with 220 wet and then prime.20170722_081811.jpeg20170722_081821.jpeg

Sent from my SM-G930V using Classic Zcar Club mobile

Thanks for all the great input.  The media blasting looks to do a beautiful job.  I was planning on using some Dupli-Color engine paint-supposedly good to 500 degrees-never thought about the barbeque paint or maybe even some exhaust paint in satin black.  Plenty of options.  The clean up will obviously take a good bit of time.  Thanks again, John-Lugoff, SC

NOTE he said "ultra fine glass bead"  . I tried normal glass beads and stopped quickly as it was pitting the plastic. I was using about 110 # of air pressure also. 

I wound up sanding by hand carefully  ....  takes a while . Repaired the pitted area with filler.



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