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I didn’t want to takeover Matthew Abate’s post regarding Subaru Stub axles. But I have some questions:

Are there “datsun stub axles” that will fit into the Subaru R180s?

Where are members buying aftermarket axles?

Have you purchased some and what is your experience?

Had anyone adapted the R160 diff to a Z?


I have been working my way through HybridZ with out getting clear answers? Plus they are mostly focused on the big HP cars.



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The silverminemotors.com link in Post #6 of Abate's thread is about "Datsun stub axles" for the Subaru R180.  John Coffey designed them and saw them through to production then gave the info to Wolf Creek Racing.  Not sure how Silvermine came in, unless they just made a copy.

Here are two links in one, Wolf Creek and a link to the relevant Hybridz thread.



Wolf Creek was sold to FutoFab.

The cost comparison between a built Datsun R180 (quaife, new bearings and seals) and a subbie R180 LSD that needs a set of stub axles to accept the half-shafts and a Datsun coupler from an R180 to match your driveshaft is within a few hundred dollars assuming you have to buy everything.


Wolf Creek was sold to FutoFab.
The cost comparison between a built Datsun R180 (quaife, new bearings and seals) and a subbie R180 LSD that needs a set of stub axles to accept the half-shafts and a Datsun coupler from an R180 to match your driveshaft is within a few hundred dollars assuming you have to buy everything.

Where would you go to purchase that Quaife for a R180?

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Wolf Creek was sold to FutoFab.
The cost comparison between a built Datsun R180 (quaife, new bearings and seals) and a subbie R180 LSD that needs a set of stub axles to accept the half-shafts and a Datsun coupler from an R180 to match your driveshaft is within a few hundred dollars assuming you have to buy everything.

This is where I find it confusing. I have recently been searching and find that a Subaru conversion (clutch type) will run about $1000 - 1200. That’s 500 for 3.90 diff from 2004 Sti, a 500 for axles. A DIY install.

Isn’t a quaife unit for a R180 about $1100-1300, I had one installed in July in an R200 with new bearings and seals $850 cost of professional install. Now if you are capable Of setting the backlash correctly then okay it’s closer, but not a few
Where did I miss it

I found these and I post them for discussion...

I think that the price of a quaife is reasonable if it is a bolt on fitment...


the price of tractionconcepts is really good but how about quality? what's the difference in comparison with quaife? is this also a bolt on fit?


anyone has experience on these?


If you buy all new, or assume that a used Subie diff will be rebuilt professionally, then it's probably a wash.  But John C had the axles made for DIY people, assuming that they were buying wrecking yard Subie diffs and rebuilding them themselves or just using as-is.

If you're just going to open a wallet there is a wide range of possibilities.

I think I am agreeing with you. The question I posed is assuming using a used Subaru LSD was diff if you can find the type and ratio you want. Most are available in the 250.00 CL or 550.00 shipped and 30 day warranty.
Obviously you can write a check and get exactly what you want. My R200 with a new Mfactory LSD cast me 1800.00 + 300.0 for a R200 got me what I wanted and is basically like new.

My question I posed is really about a lower budget DIY that most owners can do in their garage. I was hoping there were others out there have actually done it.

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I was mainly responding to gnosez.  Somebody always has a less exepnsive way to do things if everything falls in to place just right.  He didn't really offer an details.


If you take your $250, and silvermine's $375, and add say another $100 for the pinion flange, you're at $725, for bolt-in R180 swap.  Not bad.  


The hybridz thread linked in the wolfcreekracing page has many stories from people who tried John Coffey's axles.  They loved the final package, from what I read.  Looks like the link is broken though so here it is - http://forums.hybridz.org/topic/78123-subaru-wrx-sti-r180-side-axles/

And here's a Google with a bunch of the development thread work linked - https://www.google.com/search?source=hp&ei=vvwJWrG6Kc28jwOdlLqYDg&q=site%3Ahybridz.org+subaru-wrx-sti-r180-side-axles&oq=site%3Ahybridz.org+subaru-wrx-sti-r180-side-axles&gs_l=psy-ab.3...1370.8646.0.9920.

It was pretty well thought out and ended well.  So well that other people are riding John's coat-tails.


I  based my cost comparisons on new bearings, seals, stub axles (Subbie diff), labor costs and the diffs themselves. Both diffs would be used, I assumed the gears where in good shape and the Datsun diff would get a Quaife (not welded or OBX'ed) and the clutch plates on the subbie diff would be replaced as needed. I like the Quaife over an LSD diff on the track but don't see any advantage when used on a street car.

I can truthfully state that I came in late and missed the DIY portion and put forth my opinion based on a few simple personal rules on installing parts in or on my Z. One of them is - never install something like an engine, tranny, diff that takes time and real effort to put in only to have it fail because I was too cheap and didn't bother to install new bearing, seals, rebuild kit, etc. just so I can drive it for a little while and then have to go through the whole process again when said part goes bad.

My $.02

Subbie diff (3:90) $700-$900, stub axles $550, coupler $175, clutch plates $200 ($1,700-$1,900)

Datsun diff (3:90) $500 and Quaife $1250 ($1750)

Assuming bearings, seals, labor and shipping would be similar for both diffs

Edited by gnosez

13 minutes ago, gnosez said:

I  based my cost comparisons...

But where are they?  The numbers from the cost comparison. 

I think we're looking for numbers and sources, not so much opinions about what somebody thinks is the best way to go about a project.  Many people enjoy building their car themselves.  Some people just take their ideas to a shop.

7tooZ asked you where a person would get a Quaife for an R180 back in post #4.  That might be useful info.

Costs are in my last post.

Sources for a diff, stub axles or a Quaife?  Ebay to start, Futofab, MSA, Google...the world is but a few clicks away.

And here I thought this was a thread that was partially about DIY.


Edited by gnosez

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