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How many Z forums do you belong to? 16 members have voted

  1. 1. How many Z forums do you belong to?

    • ClassicZcars.com only
    • Zdriver.com
    • Zcar.com
    • Z31.com
    • Zhome.com
    • Hybridz.org

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Featured Replies

I like to check out zcar.com and zdriver.com haven't really played around too much on zdriver recently. I have also "joined" the IZCC, but haven't noticed too much updating to the site.

I've actually had alot of success with the Parts & Accessories forum over at zcar. my most recent score was an original 4 speed pattern shift knob in GREAT condition.

I also like to look through the 350 forum at zcar for a good laugh as the new Z owners complain that their nav systems can't automatically find the closest Starbucks!

I really only started making this my "main" Z page when the focus shifted from 240s to all 1st gens. Since I own a 280, I didn't have much to contribute to a 240 board. I like that this site is dedicated to the 1st gen owners/cars. I am a 1st gen lover at heart, even though my introduction into the Z world was in a 79 ZX.

A. Someone needs to add HYBRIDZ.....

B. I belong to all of them, but haven't visited Hybrid or Zdriver in months and months. I will visit ZCAR maybe once a month when REALLY bored just usually just to get a laugh, but generally I just end up shaking my head in bewilderment and thanking my lucky stars there is an intelligent alternative.

C. I own a 280, so unless something has changed, they are not accepted for registration on ZHOME. Is that wha you are talking about? Seems they are not 'collectable'. Oh...oops, I forgot, I have two '72 in my garage right now! Guess I better go register them! Yahoo! I'm important now!

As an addendum to B. above...I would like to thank all the usual suspects here for making this an incredible club. I eagerly look forward to my twice daily visits and always get a smile or learn something. You are all like fambly to me. (snif snif)


Since I am the Admin over at Zdriver.com ,and the racing board is my baby over there then I am biased a bit :)

I come here a lot to chat with 2ManyZ's and check out some of the posts. I also visit HybridZ . I rarely go to Zcar.com .

I appreciate the hard work Mike And Keith do over here , and have to say this is one of the best organized sites.

Keep it up Mike !!!

Originally posted by 2ManyZs

Just wondering how many of us belong to Z car forums other than 240z.org/classiczcars.com

This poll really doesn't function. You can only vote for one answer.

I belong to ClassicZCars, ZCar.com, and ZDriver.com, AND have registered my car with ZHome.

I spend most of my time with ClassicZcars, as I enjoy the people here, and the sense of community that we share.

I'm also a member of Zdriver.

This "forum does an outstanding job (thank you mike and keith), and has a wealth of information from all it's participating members (kudos to all).

though this site is a forum for pre-74 Z it covers very solidly many of the questions that I have on my big bumper ride. someday with all that I have learned I will be able to contribute to this site (other than buying cd's, coffee mugs etc) the way others have done for me.

Just an observation, though i'm sure (and I hope) it will offened someone.

Forums are a place for people to learn & share ideas on specific subject.

Clubs are place for the weak so they can feel elite or superior to others.

Many people belong to clubs so they can be part of a forum.

Some people belong to forums so they can be part of a club.


the reason I write this is that very early on in my relationship w/ this site. I was having a tough go of things personally and was unemployed and homeless, this was reflected in my profile. A member of this site PM'd me that he was not impressed with my profile this led to an exchange of e-mails that were nothing more than hateful (and the e-mails would have continued if I wouldn't have stopped defending myself, and let him have the last word) this has always effected the way I feel about this site.

Life is a Dunghill everyone stands on their own and speaks out about someone elses.


Zhome.com - check sometimes for a tid-bit of info I can't find here. It doesn't look like it's really updated anymore as far as I can tell.

Zcar.com - If I'm looking for parts or need to sell (give away) something - not too often really.

Zdriver.com - I used to look at their galleries sometimes and tech pages but now that you have to register and LOG IN to search or view galleries, I'd rather just live without it. ZX's aren't really my thing anyway.

Hybridz - I predict that I'll be seeing more of this site in my future -probably once I get to putting my car back together.

ClassicZcars.com (or 240z.org as my bookmarks show) - The best of the best! I probably stop by here 20 times a day (most when I'm supposed to be working). Considering how slow my project is coming along, I'l probably be doing this for years to come! Thanks for making this such a great site guys!


I think I spend waaaaay to much time lurking around here ROFL . This site is usually up most of the day on my machine. There is always a wealth of information to read, tons of great pics, and the members are all wonderful.

I check out zcar.com, however just the classifieds mostly. I'm always looking for stuff I can't affford and have no room to store anyway.

Zdriver I browse now and again and as far as hybridz is concerned, I am too much of a purist to enjoy that one. I give big props for the craftsmanship and creativity that goes into creating some of the cars on that site though.

ebay is my next daily visit. I am always looking to see whats up for sale!

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