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Hi Captain ! I wish I could go there , to see a lot of nice owners and cars . That 432 is very famous, I think that is correct ! ( the cap is current type though) Used to be on  some magazines and displayed at Nissan HQ long time ago.    

Take a good rest Captain ,


Edited by kats

40 minutes ago, kats said:

Hi Captain ! I wish I could go there , to see a lot of nice owners and cars . That 432 is very famous, I think that is correct ! ( the cap is current type though) Used to be on  some magazines and displayed at Nissan HQ long time ago.    

Take a good rest Captain ,


Maybe you could start planning ahead for 2020. ZCON 2018 set the bar for the highest ZCON attendance ever. I'm thinking the 50th anniversary of the 240Z might make it where the 2020 convention could beat it.

13 minutes ago, SteveJ said:

Maybe you could start planning ahead for 2020. ZCON 2018 set the bar for the highest ZCON attendance ever. I'm thinking the 50th anniversary of the 240Z might make it where the 2020 convention could beat it.

(Shirley) the 50th Anniversary will be in late 2019....?

Typically ZCON celebrates the anniversaries based upon model year designation and not introduction/sales dates. For instance the 1995 convention celebrated the 25th anniversary,  the 2010 convention celebrated the 40th anniversary, and the 2015 convention celebrated the 45th anniversary. 

If Nissan corporate expressed any desire to consider it differently, the ZCCA would make that change.

23 minutes ago, SteveJ said:

Typically ZCON celebrates the anniversaries based upon model year designation and not introduction/sales dates.

OK, thanks for the explanation, but personally speaking I feel the North American concept of 'Model Year' is a commercial aspect of business practice that doesn't have much place in the commemoration of design debut dates.

A 1969 S30-series Z is a 1969 S30-series Z to me. I don't want to wait until I'm 58 for my 57th birthday...

Alan, the North American concept of "Model Year" doesn't have much place in sanity, either. A car manufacturer can start calling a product a "2020 WizBang" starting on Jan 1, 2019. Heck, I purchased a "2012 Mustang" in June 2011. What's even more confusing is that some government requirements (safety and/or emissions) are based upon calendar year, and some are based upon model year. At least that was the case in the past.

Ford used to target a new Mustang model (or special edition) for April of the round number anniversaries. Many people anticipated the rollout of the 2015 Mustang in April of 2015, but I believe it was introduced in the typical fall roll-out timeframe.

Holding ZCON 2018 in October is somewhat of an anomaly as far as ZCONs go. Our planning committee decided to forgo the typical summer swelter for some nice autumn temperatures. October is also one of the driest months in the area. On the other hand, if it was typical for ZCON to happen closer to the roll-out date of the Z, I'm not sure that overrule the desire of most people to pay more attention to the model year.

1 hour ago, HS30-H said:

OK, thanks for the explanation, but personally speaking I feel the North American concept of 'Model Year' is a commercial aspect of business practice that doesn't have much place in the commemoration of design debut dates.

A 1969 S30-series Z is a 1969 S30-series Z to me. I don't want to wait until I'm 58 for my 57th birthday...

A few other points of consideration:

- The majority of cars produced in 1969 actually arrived in the U.S. in calendar 1970;

- Most of the 1969 production cars are titled as 1970 models, state DMV's make their own decisions so a very few chose 1969;

- 1970 is the first full year of production.

Ultimately, as Steve points out, its Nissan's determination to make and we'll all be glad to party with them in 2020.

Trivia: when Ford introduced the Mustang at the New York World's Fair in April 1964 they called it a 1964 1/2 model.

Hi SteveJ , I am thinking about bringing my  Z to the 2020 ZCON .

 Japan ,like Alan said , we are looking forward to having a 50th anniversary in 2019 . 

On 20th Dec 1969 , Z went on sale in Japan . Some  people got their Z actually in Dec 1969 . So , it is natural for us .

This car , PS30-00049, is still having a warranty card . The date of register is 9th Jan 1970 . Usually it takes a week or so to deliver a car to the customers, the first owner seemed placing an order and making a contract with a payment just after 20th Dec 1969 . 

This car (PS30-00049) is now owned by Mr . Shiro Nakamura , a former design manager of Nissan when Z33 was made .


Which car should I bring ? My 240ZG with fully restored ( probably hard to do it because of money , parts are ready though ) or , the ZG as a survivor, with a lot of patina.  

Or my blue US 240Z with a S20 swapped ? 




Edited by kats

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