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2 hours ago, sparegolfer said:

Expensive! The worst part is, last night I was checking around and I just missed a sale. Someone on the Datsun Classified post on FB sold a pair of used Koni front struts for $150! Ugh. The story of my life, day late and a dollar short. 

Since the product is no longer in the Koni catalog, these are probably NOS items and priced accordingly.  When they're gone, there won't be any more!   :cry:

Not counting coilover's, the only current production shock inserts I can find available are KYB's.  Gabriel has shocks listed, but only for the front.

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3 hours ago, sparegolfer said:

Expensive! The worst part is, last night I was checking around and I just missed a sale. Someone on the Datsun Classified post on FB sold a pair of used Koni front struts for $150! Ugh. The story of my life, day late and a dollar short. 

For what you're planning a set of KYB's would work fine.  Many people use them, on lowered cars too.  You'll find a ton of comments across the internet about what you have to do to use lowering springs, and what "won't work".  But you'll find almost zero stories about anybody who actually had a bad experience.  You'll probably find stories too about how you can't use Koni reds on a lowered car because they were specified for stock ride height.

JEGS is a cheap source - https://www.jegs.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/m20ProductDisplayView?catalogId=10002&langId=-1&productId=331926&storeId=10001

or these guys - https://thmotorsports.com/380079-koni-adjustable-special-d-twin-tube-mcpherson-strut-cartridge?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI6IDVlbOE4AIVAhx9Ch1EaAaaEAYYASABEgKIvfD_BwE

or you can save some money, put the car together, then see what you really need.  You might decide to go with full adjustable "coil over"s. - https://www.amazon.com/KYB-FRONT-REAR-shocks-struts/dp/B002T4HDY6

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@sparegolfer I used this as a guide for my first poly change over on a 280,  http://atlanticz.ca/zclub/techtips/suspension.htm

Did again to my 240, same thing.  My only problem was the lock nut on the T/C rods.  They're one use.  Mine fell off luckily in my driveway so I put new nylon lock nuts on both sides.  Also the OE rubber and poly mix works great on those rods like Jeff says.  I bought the rubber from Napa way back when but zcardepot.com has all the stuff cheaper,  https://www.google.com/search?rls=ig&source=hp&ei=UrBIXKfGOMfVjwTo7byACA&q=napa+auto+280z+compression+rod+bushing&btnK=Google+Search&oq=napa+auto+280z+compression+rod+bushing&gs_l=psy-ab.3..33i299l3.1182.22774..23940...0.0..0.115.3110.33j5......0....1..gws-wiz.....0..0j0i131j0i22i30j33i160.9j-DxNl4ht0

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Zed one thing that I remember reading was how KYB struts were made as factory replacements and those were not ideal for a lowered Z and you mentioned the same about the Koni. That just leads me to ask the question, are there any struts specifically designed to fit on a lowered Z? If not, you are right. I should go with the KYB and save money for the drive train. 

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I think the bigger question might be "how low is lowered?"  One inch is really not much.  Not even sure it counts.  I just recalled that the instructions that come with the KYB struts might say something about lowered cars.  I think that that might be where the internet recommendations come from.  I have them on my ~ one inch lowered car and have no issues, never even bottomed them out.  Type of driving and road quality would matter also.

I just found a blurb on the Koni site, from less than a week ago about Koni re-introducing a 240Z strut.  Spooky.  Looks like Motorsport Auto is involved.  Surprised they haven't posted something on the site.  They don't seem to be available yet, on their web site.  Might be worth a call.  


Here's another blurb with a phone number at the end.




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5 hours ago, siteunseen said:

My only problem was the lock nut on the T/C rods.  They're one use.  Mine fell off luckily in my driveway so I put new nylon lock nuts on both sides.  

Great advice.  I lost one on the highway when I hit a bump.  ?

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