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Silvermine Motors Electric Power Steering System


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In conversations with Edan @silverminemotors, it appears the offset firewall opening was designed to allow more room for exhaust headers. This is especially helpful for people with V8 swaps etc. The amount of change in mounting tab position is minimal, but he is looking into whether a small angle adjustment in the firewall plate will position the shaft closer to the pedal box mounting points. In the end, this should improve the design and make install easier, but not affect functionality or performance in any way.

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I don't think it's a matter of prioritizing the V8's over the L6's as much as a design change that improved the fit for one and had little impact on the other. That said, there is room for improvement in the design, and credit to Silvermine, he is looking at modifying the plate to accommodate both with no negative impacts.

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Update: silvermine is shipping out a set of the firewall and collars for me to fabricate a correctly positioned shaft support.
He wants to make sure it is correctly positioned in a car before setting the jig up to a different angle.
I will bolt up the shaft to the pedal box with the collar loose, poking through the firewall plate that will be bolted to the chassis, then tack weld the collar on at the correct angle while everything is correctly aligned.
Doing this in an actual car will ensure the fit and angles are correct. I will then ship the part back to silvermine to use as the template for the production line.

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