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I am reconnecting my existing aftermarket (brand?) to an upgraded audio system.  All hookups were disconnected over a yr. ago and I have no installation guide to refer back to. I am trying to remember which antenna toggle switch wires connect to factory blue, blue/red stripe and blue/white stripe wires.  The toggle switch has six connection spades and three different  color wires: red, green & black(antenna already grounded to body, near antenna so just leave black wire disconnected or make another body ground under console?)

.  **I will attempt attachment photos of toggle switch which is worth many,many words description.**.

As simply described as 2-reds and 2-greens each color “jumped” to diagonal&opposite/upper/lower spades and then each color pair pigtailed our to singe red or green connection lead with another single red connection lead (directly opposite black spade/wire) three connecting wires to connect to the three factory connection lead wires ( those 3 colors of blue).  Which three color switch wires connect to each color factory wire?  Please help me solve mystery (re)connections.   Thank you!

* forgot to ID single antenna wire from head unit that was never connected because of toggle switch “up, down and hold” desired feature.



Thanks Mike!  The ‘77 wiring diagram shows these 3 (blue & blue-striped) colored factory wires.  they are visible from factory wiring harness as (3) leads to be connected with the (3) wire leads from back of toggle switch. Therein is my mystery...which one of the toggle switch leads ( red-pigtailed, green -pigtailed and the single- red wires) matchup/get connected to which of those factory wires.  Can anyone identify the correct color wire combination connection?  Does anyone recognize mfr. of this antenna  by way of six blade wire set up from the back of the toggle switch?     Thank you!

Thanks Zup!  I apologize that install schematic has also got me confused (Not Difficult w/ Electric! ?) May I make a stab at this by me supposing: green bridged wire connects to blue/red-stripe 12v from ign. Switch;   The bridged red connecting to  blue/white-stripe from fuse box/battery 12v;  but I can’t trace solid blue out from factory wiring diagram to determine function if it would connect to single red from toggle switch.  IF I have these three color wires from factory wiring connecting to three color leads from toggle switch correct...Great!  However, what happens to the “antenna”-labeled wire exiting head unit?  Is it just ignored “as the odd guy out” 4th wire to nowhere and left unconnected or is it spliced-in with another of the factory wires?   Sorry to be so dense.  I hope I have color wires matching correctly....please advise if correct or which combo’s get it correct!    Thank you!!!!!    Doug

Head unit is Kenwood KDC-BT330U.  “All else fails”???  <- Is this for me?

 Can you determine if I am at least correct on (3– wire leads) connections from your Harada schematic to ‘77 factory wiring diagram? I believe the antenna lead from the Kenwood must be either pigtailed onto one of the three wires or just disregarded when using Harada unit. Guessing that this wire only have 12v power when head unit is “on”?

OK ya got me on that?  “Calling for angels”.  I really hope somebody sees this, reads what I’m trying to do and can provide a direct answer....”the blue goes to ______   The blue/white goes to....The  blue/red connects with the _____ toggle lead etc.   I just can’t combine the schematic, you very kindly supplied, and the factory wiring diagram so I really would appreciate if anyone has already done this or can solve mystery connections from info/pics supplied.   Help please?. Thanks for the assistance provided to me so far!!!    Doug

OK.   Update on Harada antenna to factory antenna wiring.  Definitely established power wire a solid blue and is connected to single  (non-bridged) red wire!  This leaves only the question of the other (2) wires connection.  There are two wires(bridged) from the toggle switch red & green and (2) factory antenna wires blue/white and blue/red stripes.  Does anyone know if each color has to march specific connecting wire or can red, green and striped leads be be connected  in any order   ie: can I connect blue/white to either green OR red?  Will this effect antenna operation in any way as apparently the bridging of toggle switch leads tells antenna to extend or retract as lever is moved up or down...it doesn’t’t seem like the “up or down” function is controlled by a factory, two color-specific, wiring order.   Last question in this post, I swear!  Please just share this last  answer,  hasn’t anyone else used a Harada aftermarket antenna and wired it to factory antenna wires?  I am ignoring lead from head unit as it just complicates the whole picture and seems to be redundant and of no real value.    Thanks y’all!!!     Doug

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