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For the people who say stuff like "Flu kills hundreds of thousands every year, covid will be just one of them", I took a quick look for some covid/flu comparisons for the US.*

From >> https://www.cdc.gov/flu/season/faq-flu-season-2020-2021.htm

Flu activity was unusually low throughout the 2020-2021 flu season both in the United States and globally, despite high levels of testing. The low level of flu activity during this past season contributed to dramatically fewer flu illnesses, hospitalizations, and deaths compared with previous flu seasons.

And from >> https://www.cdc.gov/flu/weekly/weeklyarchives2020-2021/week10.htm here it is in graphical format:

When comparing the data, I get two quick takeaways. First... There were very few flu cases or deaths in the 20-21 season, and in fact, there were so few that they aren't even recognizable on the chart when compared with previous years. And second (and even more important)... The data shows a clear discrediting of the belief that "covid is just another flu".

Why is that so clear? Because in 2020 and 2021, many people adjusted their lifestyle in an attempt to not get covid. Those lifestyle modifications included such things like social distancing, wearing masks, remote work and learning, etc. And a welcome side benefit of those covid mitigation techniques is that they practically eliminated the flu in 20-21. (cite the same source as above for details)

But those lifestyle changes clearly didn't eliminate covid. Despite those mitigation efforts we unfortunately STILL gave up over 600000 people to covid. We didn't give up many at all to the flu, but IN SPITE of all of those lifestyle changes we unfortunately gave up a whole bunch to covid.

So the data clearly shows that covid is way worse than just another flu. It's way worse. Not only have we lost more people to covid (in just one year), than the past TEN years of the flu combined, but the techniques employed to slow the spread of covid were pretty much crushed the spread of flu, but were not nearly as effective against covid. Why? Well it's certainly not because covid is just another flu. 

And when people compare covid and the flu like this: "Flu kills hundreds of thousands every year, covid will be just one of them." They are downplaying the severity of the pandemic.

I'm hoping that downplay isn't intentional. I'm thinking they just haven't seen the data.


*Sorry @DC871F, I didn't get any source citations for your numbers, so I can't work with them.

4 hours ago, Captain Obvious said:

For the people who say stuff like "Flu kills hundreds of thousands every year, covid will be just one of them", I took a quick look for some covid/flu comparisons for the US.*

From >> https://www.cdc.gov/flu/season/faq-flu-season-2020-2021.htm

Flu activity was unusually low throughout the 2020-2021 flu season both in the United States and globally, despite high levels of testing. The low level of flu activity during this past season contributed to dramatically fewer flu illnesses, hospitalizations, and deaths compared with previous flu seasons.

And from >> https://www.cdc.gov/flu/weekly/weeklyarchives2020-2021/week10.htm here it is in graphical format:

When comparing the data, I get two quick takeaways. First... There were very few flu cases or deaths in the 20-21 season, and in fact, there were so few that they aren't even recognizable on the chart when compared with previous years. And second (and even more important)... The data shows a clear discrediting of the belief that "covid is just another flu".

Why is that so clear? Because in 2020 and 2021, many people adjusted their lifestyle in an attempt to not get covid. Those lifestyle modifications included such things like social distancing, wearing masks, remote work and learning, etc. And a welcome side benefit of those covid mitigation techniques is that they practically eliminated the flu in 20-21. (cite the same source as above for details)

But those lifestyle changes clearly didn't eliminate covid. Despite those mitigation efforts we unfortunately STILL gave up over 600000 people to covid. We didn't give up many at all to the flu, but IN SPITE of all of those lifestyle changes we unfortunately gave up a whole bunch to covid.

So the data clearly shows that covid is way worse than just another flu. It's way worse. Not only have we lost more people to covid (in just one year), than the past TEN years of the flu combined, but the techniques employed to slow the spread of covid were pretty much crushed the spread of flu, but were not nearly as effective against covid. Why? Well it's certainly not because covid is just another flu. 

And when people compare covid and the flu like this: "Flu kills hundreds of thousands every year, covid will be just one of them." They are downplaying the severity of the pandemic.

I'm hoping that downplay isn't intentional. I'm thinking they just haven't seen the data.


*Sorry @DC871F, I didn't get any source citations for your numbers, so I can't work with them.

I stated a few post up somewhere where I do believe there is a severity to covid, but not like it was last year. Me saying covid will be like another flu was the fact that it will be with us, but not pandemic or even epidemic levels.

I'm not downplaying the pandemic, but I wont subscribe to the fever pitch attitude either, nor the brow beating of vaccinated to unvaccinated, masks no masks, lockdowns no lockdowns. Divide and conquer is a real thing, and there are several entities in this Nation that are doing just that. Covid wont be on the radar some day and then many around us will have to move on or carry this torch for many years to come. Reminds me of a certain period in this Nations history that many still bring up today.

Covid bad, but there are many things that covid brought us that are far worse and will be with us many years after covid is gone.


Doesn't matter much really, because you're obviously not reading the posts with the facts and the links to the facts.  My posts and CO's posts are from the CDC web site data.  You're right, we're all free to believe what we want to believe.

I'd hate to be working in healthcare in Idaho though.  Looks like you can't get care there, no matter what you want to believe.


This guy is just a CEO of a large healthcare provider.  Not sure where he gets his facts.  This is from yesterday, not last year.


“I’ve been in urgent care and primary care for 30 years, and it’s inconceivable to me we’re at a point where we can’t see all the patients who want to see us,” Dr. David Peterman, CEO of Primary Health, said in a news release. “Our health care workers are exhausted and working hard to see every patient and answer every call. But at some point, it’s just too much. This is a serious crisis.”

Edited by Zed Head

On 8/31/2021 at 8:41 AM, Av8ferg said:

Such a complicated topic that has so divided people and created a host of conspiracies theories. There is some much crap to wade through to find understanding in this. If you remember the former defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld he had a famous quote which is fitting, called: “knowns”. We still have known unknowns and unknown unknowns with this virus.


Here’s how I break it down. Keep it simple and apply Occam’s Razors when you have so many knowns unknowns and unknown unknowns.

1. Conspiracy theory’s have been rampant because we have censoring, censoring people and ideas is the leading cause of conspiracy theories. We need all voices to be heard in the public forum EVEN when false. Let the professionals discount them but when you silence them their words gain traction .

2. I believe vaccinations is the best road map to get to this behind us. It’s a tool and not the solution. Solution is natural immunity. The vaccine could save your life and help you develop a natural immunity to variants. We need to minimize the damage and death until we get more natural herd immunity in the population. With natural immunity you’ll have a defense against variants. I don’t think your need boosters once your body has a robust immune response the to SAR-Cov2 virus. The unvaccinated might fare far worse with a wild variant because they don’t have any immune response to put up and the next variant could be more deadly. A person with an immune response might just feel a little ill and need a few days off work .

I was vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccine, got both doses. 4 months later I got Covid. It was mild and minimal symptoms BUT I was highly contagious which is where there is a threat to others not vaccinated . I’ve been way worse in my life, this was a 2 out of 10 for me as far as severity.

Bottom line: I trust the scientists, doctors and Heath care providers I , don’t really trust much of what is said by the federal government because many politicians are more concerned with self than the county so they like to spin things that protect them even at the expense of others. In this case the government is doing what they think is best but ....government isn’t good at most things so a “C” is acceptable to them. We still have unknown unknowns and as months progress things will change and we’ll will get more knowns until then I choose to trust the people that spent all their life studying virus and have a PHD over some blow hard on YouTube that thinks the vaccine or
The virus is a hoax.
Off my soap box now....there is work to do in my garage!!!

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Just speaking to #1, I could comment on more but won’t. 

lots of healthcare professionals, me included will not take the time to correct the ignorant. It’s a waste of our time and usually, no minds are changed. Brookfield defines learning as “a permanent change in behavior. That isn’t going to happen with someone who believes ivermectin is going to save them. 


Just speaking to #1, I could comment on more but won’t. 
lots of healthcare professionals, me included will not take the time to correct the ignorant. It’s a waste of our time and usually, no minds are changed. Brookfield defines learning as “a permanent change in behavior. That isn’t going to happen with someone who believes ivermectin is going to save them. 

People have to live or die with the consequences of their actions and decisions...this is called “Life”, something I talk to my children about frequently. We make decisions everyday that impact the longevity and quality of our lives. A lot of people are too ignorant, too stubborn, too woke, and too self righteous to listen to others. I wouldn’t try to convince people either unless they showed a real lack of understanding and wanted to be educated. This isn’t who you’re referring too. You’re referring the opposite and that population is very large. I don’t have time for people like this, so not surprised you don’t either. I also don’t feel sorry for drug addicts, it is a decision that was based on ignorance with well understood consequences. I can’t help the people that don’t want to be helped or are self destructive.

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1 hour ago, conedodger said:

Just speaking to #1, I could comment on more but won’t. 

lots of healthcare professionals, me included will not take the time to correct the ignorant. It’s a waste of our time and usually, no minds are changed. Brookfield defines learning as “a permanent change in behavior. That isn’t going to happen with someone who believes ivermectin is going to save them. 


I remember the early 80s well when my Social studies teacher said be careful at the water fountain because you may get AIDS from it.

One thing is for sure, covid protocols have zero consistency. Example; you couldn't got to church, but you could ride an airliner for hours sitting shoulder to shoulder.

Correcting ignorance is not a fair statement when there's been nothing but contradictory info and contradictory protocols for over a year and a half.

One of my somewhat early experiences realizing that authority figures did not necessarily know everything was when my freshman physics teacher told us that dead bodies floated because the human body was less dense than water.  He was trying to teach the concept of density.  I said "then why do I sink to the bottom of the swimming pool and stay there if I exhale all of my breath".  He argued that it was not possible, got upset, and moved on with the lesson.  

Best to get as much information and as many opinions as you can and figure out which make the most sense.




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