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 The problem with the real news is the "Official Story" the Gov. doles out to our trusted news sources. Most of it is probably true, as far as it goes, but it's what they're not sharing with us that is the real news. The "Powers That Be" (pick your favorites) do control the news, real and fake and as history has shown, the real and fake news often came from the same sources. A lie by omission, is still a lie. Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Lord Acton


 The problem with the real news is the "Official Story" the Gov. doles out to our trusted news sources. Most of it is probably true, as far as it goes, but it's what they're not sharing with us that is the real news. The "Powers That Be" (pick your favorites) do control the news, real and fake and as history has shown, the real and fake news often came from the same sources. A lie by omission, is still a lie. Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Lord Acton

Spot on! In some respects journalists have become lazy in checking the veracity of the official blurb as distinct from the usual regurgitation.

The first casualty of war is the truth! cant recall who said that now but I believe it was an American politician.

What I’ve learned to do is to stop myself being outraged at the stupidity of news and stop looking at what is being said as opposed to “why” it’s being said.

If The Donald taught us anything, it was that by filling the mainstream media’s time with reporting outrageous things, they aren’t looking at what else is happening in the background that should have merited their scrutiny!

Case in point, his outrageous tweets about the murder of Jamal Kashoggi was a distraction to keep journalists busy and their eyes away from looking into / focusing Ivanka sending messages and conducting government business on here private email. He even admitted as much later on.

What is it he used to say? Lock her ....

I just avoid the mainstream and extreme news. I don't Facebook, another fountain of misinformation, a waste of time.

I find it better to immerse myself in my passions, my work, my home, Mrs. Racer, my cars, places like this community.

Makes it easier to sleep at night when one isn't stressed out about the idiocracy that is in charge.

There are good news sources out there.  I sample from CBS, ABC, NBC, NPR, the Denver Post and the local paper.  I often refer to stories in the NY Times and other major papers. 

Our Fox affiliate in Denver is OK on their local news coverage. Their national coverage is tilted a bit but that's hardly surprising.  It's the Fox commentary and feature shows that are from right of the Genghis Khan.

One thing that people have problems with is an authority like Fauci who changes his wording or interpretation over time. But if you're a scientist and responding to new and changing information, you have to change your story sometimes. Science is NOT one position that doesn't change; it's a best interpretation of observable conditions, and as you gain more information and observe conditions over a longer period of time, it's almost inevitable that your interpretation and recommendations will change. I've been talking with faculty at three major universities about controversial topics in science for more than 40 years, and I also have a PhD.  As long as scientists give me a clue as to why their position has evolved or changed, I'm usually comfortable with those changes. I'm very comfortable with the arc of comments and directions from Tony Fauci.  

A fixed position that never changes relative to something like a pandemic is probably either a political stance, sheer stubbornness, or someone with a commercial or personal interest in not changing.  Science changes its story over time; sometimes in very subtle ways, sometimes in substantial ones.  

I think this will be my last post in this thread. There's a rather surprising level of distrust and denial in some of it.  

Edited by Pilgrim

 "News" programs are TV shows, funded by commercial interests, designed to get people to buy things.  Whatever keeps the consumer amped up and buying is what the producers want.  

CO's post was a good one, but, of course, you have to ask who put the plot together.  Another group selling news.  Question everything.





On 4/19/2021 at 7:41 AM, Captain Obvious said:

Pretty much everything these days depends on where you get your news. Here's my guide:


media bias 7.0.jpg


If you think your reliable news comes from something down in the lower left like "Occupy Democrats", then I think you're off in the weeds of unreliable and untrustworthy. And same thing, if your news comes from something untrustworthy way down in the lower right like "Epoch Times", then maybe it's time to re-evaluate your news sources,


Someone sent me this chart.  I think it's perfect.

Good Morning.jpg

On 4/18/2021 at 6:03 PM, Racer X said:

Masks don't have side effects.

Other than breathing in carbon dioxide all day, what could go wrong?  😛 

I also find it funny when people drive their cars, by themselves, while wearing a mask.  I mean, c'mon people.  There are times when it's good to wear a mask, I agree.  But sometimes I just shake my head.

19 hours ago, Mike said:

Other than breathing in carbon dioxide all day, what could go wrong?  😛 

How is it I'm breathing in CO2 wearing a cloth mask? The air we breathe in and out passes quite freely. Any exhaled CO2 that might linger in the fabric will be very small compared to the volume we respirate with each breath.  Shouldn't be any different than wearing a respirator all day like a painter.

I have to wear a mask at all times at The Big Shed, 8, 9, 10 hours a day, since last March year. Haven't noticed any ill effects.

The only issue I have noticed is the wearing of a face covering all day is annoying.


I also find it funny when people drive their cars, by themselves, while wearing a mask.  I mean, c'mon people.  There are times when it's good to wear a mask, I agree.  But sometimes I just shake my head.

Makes me shake my head. Windows rolled up. All alone. Who are they protecting?

In my personal space I never mask up. Car, home, outside away from people. The car is my refuge each day at end of shift.


I prefer a cloth mask, and it must be clean each day, so I have quite q few now. It started with a few off of eBay, 7 or 8, now I have about 30.

All wash 'n' wear. Once a month I toss them all in the sink with warm soapy water, wash them up, and lay them out to dry.

Hot tip: Don't use fabric softener or scented detergent. You won't like that "spring fresh scent" after about, um, 5 minutes.



Edited by Racer X

Washington state is seeing an increase in cases.  The restaurants are allowed 50% capacity indoors.  I met some relatives over the weekend and made us all leave to find outdoor seating.  I think that "capacity" is set by the fire marshal and means how many people can you pack in to a space.  A lot.  50% is still a lot.  It felt crowded and everybody takes their mask off as soon as they sit down.  I felt dumb as soon as I walked in.

There's a certain county that might be contributing more to the state numbers.  Lots of flags there.




Edited by Zed Head

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