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Parts for Sale: Nautical Paraphernalia

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Nautical Paraphernalia

So I’ve been going through a lot of my schiite lately, and it seems I have collected WAY more of the infamous flat top boating accessories than I thought I would need. Of course I could say that about a few other things.... There is 5 pair and I think a couple that are in pieces. 

So. I know there are a couple of you that are into such paraphenalia, so should you want my 75 pound box of these (or part there-of, depends on how big your boat is, I suppose), I would be more than happy to send them for the cost of postage.


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10 hours ago, Captain Obvious said:

Wow... That's tough to resist.

I'm resisting so far, but it's tough.

Me too.

But I've amassed around 120lbs. of nautical paraphernalia myself. It's not like silver.

I think I will pass on cornering the market.

11 hours ago, zKars said:

(or part there-of, depends on how big your boat is, I suppose),


I would be interested in select bits. Let me know if you are receptive to a "part out of the parts".

Knowing from experience Canadian/ US postal rates, the idea of shipping 70+ lbs. stateside is a deal breaker even if the goods are free.


Jim, you are welcome to any item or items you want off of this pile-o-stuff.

Shipping in your direction is surprisingly in-expensive. I’ve been quoting some people about shipping a full E31 head south, and a 28x10x8 55 lb box is ~$80-100 depending on how far it’s going, so just a pair of these carbs would be pretty reasonable at around $30.

 Just let me know what you want to do 


The box-o-boat-bits on their way to a new owner.

Must own a lot of boats....  He does live near Puget Sound!


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