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The Datsun Workshop updated!

Bob H

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Hey all,

Been away from the fray for a while, a little to much fun flying. I have finished a fairly through update of the Datsun Workshop. And Bryan Little recently changed the Datsun Garage link which I updated. If you know anyone who has either link on their page, let them know of the changes to both. I have e-mailed most of the pages I could find.

My 240 is currently in storage. Running, but not being driven. Still working on swaping a T5 and a R200 in. They are in, but not connected. Something about two sets of second gear syncros. They just can't handle the torque of the stroker... But it will be next christmas before that happens. In the mean time, I have a '00 BMW M Coupe as a daily driver. Rough life, jets and fast cars.

The link is as follows. I will try to hyperlink it, may not work.

<a href="http://www.geocities.com/row4navy/"><b>The Datsun Workshop</b></a>

And here is The Datsun Garage's updated link:

<a href="http://www.geocities.com/zgarage2001/z.html"><b>The Datsun Garage</b></a>

if those don't work, here are the base links:




-Bob H

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Holy old thread batman! :)

Yea, geocities going down was a surprise to me, (I had my e-mail attached to an old account I check about once a year).

Fortunately for us, one guy made a tremendous effort to save all the geocities sites at a place called reocities.

So my websites are the same, except substitute reocities for geocities. The links are:


And there is no Z garage geocities site - so the one provided above is the new link.


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