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7 hours ago, Av8ferg said:

My OBD2 reader flagged a #2 misfire.

All i know of a viper it has a big 8,2 ltr engine..  put some new sparkplugs in it.. (they are all old anyway.) and interchange the ignitioncoil that's on the #2 with #3 so if next time the problem is in #3 the ignitioncoil on #3 is the culprit. (i think this engine has no distributor anymore?) 

5 hours ago, heyitsrama said:

You know with the knowledge here could probably get that viper fixed. :ph34r:


I was just about to say that😄


8 hours ago, Av8ferg said:

So, this forum is great because we have great people here and like many of you I appreciate that and glad to be part of it.

You're right, the juvenile snipping that goes on in many other forums can get awfully tiresome and that is one of the great things about this forum.  It's our little corner of the internet where you can let your guard down.

The #7 cylinder on my truck throws a misfire code at least once a year and I know it has eaten another coil,  I keep a new coil on the shelf all the time for when it happens. No idea why it's only #7, the threads are clean, all the plug wires fairly new.

All i know of a viper it has a big 8,2 ltr engine..  put some new sparkplugs in it.. (they are all old anyway.) and interchange the ignitioncoil that's on the #2 with #3 so if next time the problem is in #3 the ignitioncoil on #3 is the culprit. (i think this engine has no distributor anymore?) 

Thanks. Yep I put a new pug in yesterday no change. The plug looked terrible. Today I’ll swap wires from a different cylinder if that doesn’t work then trying the coil pack.

I got a funny story about this car. So when my Z arrived at my Mom’s house after I towed it from Memphis. I had to get both cars stuffed into my the barn. The Viper had a dead battery so I pushed it out, and beyond the door the grass was thick and at least 8” tall. I had to push it far enough to get the Z in . After getting the Z in I realized the Viper was stuck in the grass and wouldn’t move. I had few options and was running low on time so I tied a tow strap between the cars and the Z after an recent awakening from.20 year comma pulled a 20 year old Viper back into the barn. That Z engine’s last contribution before I pull it out that engine.
Quick update. Had to wait to buy the garage lift to stack these cars, Z still in the barn 2.5 hrs away. Covid set production back and finally I will pick it up at the end of the month (when I sit hits standby for work in Greensboro) . Then the Z will finally arrive to begin it transformation. Side note, Mom’s barn was broken into recently, they took the Z keys, pulled off the charger and tried to start it. Cover was off and door ajar. Good thing the clutch slave cylinder was dead and the clutch wouldn’t engage. Guess I had a leak on the line that might have saved the car. Car was also full of mold, so I’m not happy. Barn is somewhat isolated from the house. Maybe a football field away. See pics. Last pic is both cars in the barn the day I towed the Viper in.

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Totally agree Granny. My thought is if you don’t like the post or can’t provide an appropriate comment then move on. Nobody is forcing you to respond.
People say things behind a keyboard they would never say to you in person and it’s one of the problems with social media. Social media works on people like Wonder Women’s magic rope. Who you are is unveiled, where in the real world you might get a tooth knocked out for the comment, on the computer you can be the jerk you really are without real consequences.
I hate to say this but as I get older I generally dislike the general population, I see more self absorbed, inconsiderate humans (worst are under 30). I see it the most when I’m at the airport traveling for my job. I get to do a lot of people watching and boy or boy are there some really losers out there. People are living in an alternate universe.
You really see a difference around the country and the world . Worst people reside in the Southern CA, Las Vegas, (Vegas absolute worst followed by LA) areas who are a close second are NJ and NY. The south is pretty good and the mid-west are the best and most considerate. Europeans are less in your face and generally more considerate and less “me first”. You won’t see idiots in a European airport in their pajamas with slippers, blabbering out-loud on their phones so everyone can hear their conversation on speaker. I have a 10 day European work trip starting in Paris next month. Hopefully I’ll have my vaccine by then! All my older family members and wife already got it.

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I browse the Ford F150 forums and see misfire topics all the time.  Often it's not the coil but something else like injectors.  The common test is to swap coils with another cylinder and see if the problems follows the coil.

I don't think that you can generalize "people" to regions, or any other characteristic.  Bad people are everywhere, sometimes you just don't see them.  Or you might just be hanging out in certain areas, like airports or hotels, and mischaracterizing a whole part of the world based on a small sample.  Generalizing generally doesn't work, you can't classify humans like that, by where they live or what they look like.  Everyone is different.

ZH, I don’t disagree but people in different parts of the world have different attitudes, mostly impacted by their surroundings. Spend a day in Baltimore or Miami then go to Billings Montana . If you can’t see this difference in the population then maybe I’m crazy. Ive been to every state in the last year but 5. When you grow up in a large metro area you see the world differently than a guy who grew up on a Iowa farm. In the south people use terms like Sir and Ma’am all the time. We have a recent large influx of people here in NC from NY since COVID hit and you cannot deny they have a different attitude about driving, and general patience. So while generalizing is generally not a great idea generalizing has some merits, I wouldn’t base it on looks but on upbringing . There are good and bad people everywhere like you said. I’m talking about how people act in public. I was in Japan on a the bullet train and we were watching a video on an iPad (low volume) and the conductor came and scolded us for being “disruptive”. People there are very respectful of the people around them even in the large cities like Tokyo. Again it’s about culture and upbringing. America isn’t the same everywhere.

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