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1 hour ago, siteunseen said:

Same here Jeff. I've had the same Verizon number since 11/94. Since the covid pandemic it has gotten way worse. My pharmacist can't get American made drugs anymore either and I don't care what anybody says there is most definitely a difference.

I'm gonna quit paying taxes except my property tax. The federal government does nothing for me anymore so screw them. All they can do is put a tax lien on my house but I'm single with no kids so I don't care. I'm gonna leave it to the Humane society anyhow.

I think you can be jailed for tax evasion.  We are living in historic times for so many reasons.  I read the book “The Next 100 Years” by George Friedman, his predictions are not comforting.  All of societies paradigms and norms are being  upended and most of us are unprepared and will be caught with our pants down.  The looming financial tidal wave coming will be most profound.  We’ve attempted to borrow our way out of everything and this can’t go on forever.  The divide between the poor and wealthy Is widening.  Most of the stimulus and QE has benefited the super rich and corporations.  Then we have companies that only care about the bottom line to appease the shareholders, while selling your data.  
All your information you’ve given Google and other companies is stored.  Every text, email, website you visited, what you bought, were you go is in a database and all the photos you uploaded into the “Boobs Thread”.  Google was hired by intelligence agencies to make a program that allows them to access these databases for criminal activity and terrorism. The problem is the software can be unleashed on anyone if the powers at be decide to charge the rules.  Look how the government has abused  FISA section 702 or the drone strike against Anwar Alaki by Obama.   This was a US citizen born in the USA, albeit a bad guy but, we cannot assassinate a US Citizen, US citizens are protected and afforded due process under the constitution.  I only bring that up to point out that we have to be careful what allow our government to do under the guise of safety and security,  The NSA has a data center in Utah is 1.5 million sqft.   All for storage of our data.  
Cliff, keep paying your taxes…not paying is a losers game.  You win by standing up and making your voice and vote heard.  Plus who is going to keep the library in order if you’re in jail?   

I'm not evading paying. If I hire you to mow my lawn and don't mow it I'm not paying you. Is that evading? 

Services rendered are not so I'm not paying. It's like working 1 day a week for nothing. 

I could get disability actually but that ain't my style so I'll let a lawyer defend me on my income without paying taxes. We pay 10% grocery tax in Alabama. Hell we pay a ton in sweet home Alabama but the guvner says we don't need federal money. We just got 719 million in covid relief and they're gonna build more prisons for the pot dealers, smokers. 

To be honest, I've lived right and played by the rules to no avail just exactly like my whole family has. Bubble bursted!

Actually, they would just garnish your wages.  Or maybe take your equipment.  I had a friend making good money selling pizza in a college town, for years.  Somebody wrote an article about the afterhours "pizza guy", the IRS got wind of it (I think Pizza Hut complained) and they came out and took his ovens.  But it's not really a product of the government itself it's just how bureaucracies work.  The NSA collects data, the IRS collects taxes.

If these agencies really knew how to use the data they collect 9/11 would never have happened.  The data just sits out there, useless.  Just another government job.

I'm a small fish and have traveled this road before working hurricane damage jobs and on Bourbon street. They're not looking at me or they would've already done it.

Things a different in Alabama. You guys just have to trust me on that.

I pay my way and have never felt guilty or looked back at what I did.

Sorry if I've ruffled some feathers but I'll burn a bird with a curling iron speaking freely. I think that's an amendment or something? 


1 hour ago, Av8ferg said:

All your information you’ve given Google and other companies is stored.  Every text, email, website you visited, what you bought, were you go is in a database and all the photos you uploaded into the “Boobs Thread”.  Google was hired by intelligence agencies to make a program that allows them to access these databases for criminal activity and terrorism. 

Everyone who posts pieces of their life on Linked-In, Facebook, this site, and anywhere else on the internet leaves a trail of breadcrumbs to their home address, phone number, family members, shopping preferences, and more.  It's not too difficult to find information on just about anyone.  There aren't too many places to hide any more.

You can get a program for your computer called AVG Breachguard.  It's about $20.00 a year.  It has a function, among other things, that's called "Personal Info Remover".  Once you activate it, the company sends requests to a great many of the companies out there that are responsible for gathering and selling your data.  I'm sure they aren't above Google, but it sure has curtailed the amount of spam I receive either in e-mail or phone call form.

6 hours ago, Reptoid Overlords said:

You can get a program for your computer called AVG Breachguard.  It's about $20.00 a year.  It has a function, among other things, that's called "Personal Info Remover".  Once you activate it, the company sends requests to a great many of the companies out there that are responsible for gathering and selling your data.  I'm sure they aren't above Google, but it sure has curtailed the amount of spam I receive either in e-mail or phone call form.

That will get you on the "something to hide" list.  


Just remembered another - Onstar.


14 hours ago, psdenno said:

Everyone who posts pieces of their life on Linked-In, Facebook, this site, and anywhere else on the internet leaves a trail of breadcrumbs to their home address, phone number, family members, shopping preferences, and more.

I remember being vaguely irritated at somebody who used the "I am here at ____'s enjoying a party" function on Facebook, or something along those lines.  Had my name and mapped location plus my connection to that person and whatever nefarious things they might be doing.

Just for fun I figured out where a guy lived and worked using clues on the web, after he took people's money but didn't deliver  a product.  Basically stole a bunch of money then had a big wedding party.

Wishing people a Happy Birthday on Facebook is another good one.


8 minutes ago, Zed Head said:

I remember being vaguely irritated at somebody who used the "I am here at ____'s enjoying a party" function on Facebook, or something along those lines.  Had my name and mapped location plus my connection to that person and whatever nefarious things they might be doing.

Just for fun I figured out where a guy lived and worked using clues on the web, after he took people's money but didn't deliver  a product.  Basically stole a bunch of money then had a big wedding party.

Wishing people a Happy Birthday on Facebook is another good one.


Can't rule out what you watch on YouTube.  Watch a video on how to change the wiper blades on your Subaru and you'll start getting ads for Subaru products.  Fun Fact for Wednesday: Google owns YouTube and it's based in the huge hanger where Howard Hughes stored the Spruce Goose for decades.

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