Can some one tell me the relevance of this?..........
Enclosed in this '73 I am building was this huge stack of registration papers and service receipts. It was serviced by one of our local Z shops.
Receipt dated 12/23/94 (in addition to brakes, t/c rod bushings, tires, etc.):
"Front Wheel Alignment: $50. NOTE: Crossmember is damaged, and car has been lowered. Alignment is not within spec. Customer refused work at this time.
Toe-in 1/8
Camber left -1 right -1/4
Caster 3 1/4"
Can someone translate this into driveablility for me? Is this serious? I have the engine out and really can't see any major deformations of the Xmember. It has a couple dents like someone ran into a ditch (with a big rock!). What I want to know is: how will this effect how the car handles? Crossmembers are easy enough to replace....
Can some one tell me the relevance of this?..........
Enclosed in this '73 I am building was this huge stack of registration papers and service receipts. It was serviced by one of our local Z shops.
Receipt dated 12/23/94 (in addition to brakes, t/c rod bushings, tires, etc.):
"Front Wheel Alignment: $50. NOTE: Crossmember is damaged, and car has been lowered. Alignment is not within spec. Customer refused work at this time.
Toe-in 1/8
Camber left -1 right -1/4
Caster 3 1/4"
Can someone translate this into driveablility for me? Is this serious? I have the engine out and really can't see any major deformations of the Xmember. It has a couple dents like someone ran into a ditch (with a big rock!). What I want to know is: how will this effect how the car handles? Crossmembers are easy enough to replace....
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