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Well just attended my 1st Z-Club meeting.

Didn't know what to expect, but all in all it was a good time.

Since getting my 75-280 a couple of months ago, all of my

time has been focused on getting it mechanically reliable to make

day trips without constant worry of breakdowns.

I know this is only my 1st impression with other Z-owners, but

it appears that most of their interests are focused on what last

HP they can squeek out or how much money they can spend!

AT the meeting ( which I traveled 200 miles RT to attend )

most had new 350Zs or perfectly restored 240's (2).

Felt quite out of place.

Are Z-clubs now just a mechanical extension of one's wallet for

status??? Hope not.

One should not be able to "buy in" to a classic collectible

association of car lovers.

Maybe the 350Zs should have thier own clubs, since it is a

totally different vehicle. They don't even have a glove box!!

Sorry for the rant, just a newbie thing


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An important question to answer for yourself is: were you made to feel welcome? Many (all?) of the people you met were, at one time, where you are with your car. Except for the 350's, all (unless purchased new and kept in pristine condition) of the cars that are so beautiful were the result of many hours, years of hard work and devotion and the club atmosphere is a really good place to show off the results of that hard work. Just as with this site, the people in your club will be a wealth of information and help. Use the resourses available from your club-your car will be sparkelling and parked with the best of them one of these years and you will be giving advice to the new guy who drives up with a 100 foot car.

We have a fledgling club here in the Portland, Oregon area whose membership will range from one guy, who contributes regularly here, who works on rolling shell to members with some really hot, finnished cars.

I had similiar thoughts about the 350 as well but they are all Z's. Some of these 350 owners may just have a 240 parked in their garage.

OK. I'll chill out.

Just felt intimidated by the $30,000 cars I guess.

Will still feel proud that I got my hands dirty actually

fixing my 75 to run real good.

It got me there once and will again. And although I

may not make it a pretty garage queen, I will be

proud that I have a classic sports car.


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