April 23, 2024Apr 23 Author comment_664390 SteveJ and zKars, thanks for the input! Progress, good news! I went through the inspection points Steve mentioned. When I got to the hazard switch, I figured what the heck, I might as well open it up and clean it up. It honestly looked fine on the inside, but I cleaned it up anyways and lightly sanded the contacts inside. And good news, that brake lights are now working, woohoo! But still no turn signals, front or rear. While I was poking around, I came across two female bullet connectors that weren’t connected to anything. One black wire, the other is black with a white (I think) stripe. Any chance these are supposed to go to a turn signal flasher? Do I even have a turn signal flasher in the dash? Where is it typically located on a 72 Z? Link to comment https://www.classiczcars.com/forums/topic/68925-no-brake-lights-or-turn-signals-where-to-look-next/?&page=2#findComment-664390 Share on other sites More sharing options...
April 23, 2024Apr 23 Author Popular Post comment_664400 Well I’ll be dipped! Reach my hand up under the dash, feeling around for the turn signal flasher, and down dropped these wires, labeled and all! What a deal. I’ll buy a flasher unit and I think we’ll be in business. Thanks all, and hopefully my saga helps someone down the road. Link to comment https://www.classiczcars.com/forums/topic/68925-no-brake-lights-or-turn-signals-where-to-look-next/?&page=2#findComment-664400 Share on other sites More sharing options...
April 24, 2024Apr 24 comment_664432 Glad you found it! You may want to consider going with a LED compatible flashers (blinker and hazard). When I put my car back together the running light fuse was getting really hot. I swapped all the bulbs and flashers to LED and it made a huge difference. Several threads on this. I think I bought everything from Amazon. Link to comment https://www.classiczcars.com/forums/topic/68925-no-brake-lights-or-turn-signals-where-to-look-next/?&page=2#findComment-664432 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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