Posted October 22, 2024Oct 22 comment_670550 Saw this on marketplace. No idea why he couldn't return them?{"qid"%3A"-1044793123484703691"%2C"mf_story_key"%3A"8938584548717743279"%2C"top_level_post_id"%3A"8938584548717743279"%2C"commerce_rank_obj"%3A"{\"target_id\"%3A8938584548717743279%2C\"target_type\"%3A6%2C\"primary_position\"%3A162%2C\"ranking_signature\"%3A41188063074766094%2C\"commerce_channel\"%3A501%2C\"value\"%3A0.00017362306366061%2C\"upsell_type\"%3A3523%2C\"candidate_retrieval_source_map\"%3A{\"8687215747976919\"%3A3565}%2C\"grouping_info\"%3Anull}"%2C"lightning_feed_qid"%3A"-1044916749731165527"%2C"lightning_feed_ranking_signature"%3A"41188063074766094"} Edited October 22, 2024Oct 22 by siteunseen Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
October 22, 2024Oct 22 comment_670551 How can you tell that they're for an L24? I Googled the number and found this Rockauto listing. Looks like the Facebook guy might be one of those resellers. Easy money! p.s. I can tell where you live, what you've been doing and numerous other things from all of the extra Facebook code in the listing. 😎 Seriously, what is all of that extra stuff for? Makes me wonder. p.s. 2 - the application does come up on the Rockauto page. What would we do without Rockauto? Edited October 22, 2024Oct 22 by Zed Head Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
October 22, 2024Oct 22 Author comment_670553 I don't know what the hell you're talking about. I'm pulling off a huge conspiracy for all my TikTok followers with 6 piston cups. Stop by anytime. If I'm not home my cameras and neighbors will surely let me know. I'm about an hour from Barber Motorsports Park. We could make a day out of it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
October 23, 2024Oct 23 comment_670557 I seem to remember oversize pistons being hard to find a year or two ago. Looks like the supply has been rebuilt. Good news for engine rebuilders. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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