Saturday at 05:21 PM1 day comment_675198 @Zed Head Great article Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Saturday at 10:33 PM1 day Author comment_675208 5 hours ago, Zed Head said:That is a "colder" than spec spark plug. Might be why the electrode on 1, 2, and 5 are dirty. The white ash on 3, 4, and 6 looks pretty good, but still on the cold side.Have you adjusted the valve lash? It looks like you have some cylinder imbalance. adjusted the valves about a year and a half ago, but that's a good point - I'll give it a look and report back.Regarding the spark plugs, I can't seem to find any bpr6es on amazon for the 78 head thread. Would bpr5es work or would that be too hot a plug?Interesting article - thanks!EDIT: I believe we ended up going with colder spark plugs since we're running the engine learner than usual (14.7 cruise) to guard against pinging.EDIT 2: I just confirmed all of the valves are still in-spec Edited 7 hours ago7 hr by chaseincats Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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