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I just bought a '78 280z 2+2. The "charging" light stays on when it's running. Is this bad? I don't have an owner's manual. I couldn't see that the light was on, or didn't notice, in the daylight. When I got home to the garage is when I saw it.

The previous owner said the alternator had gone bad and replaced it with another used one that he said was working. The battery was beyond saving so he put a brand new one in it. So I was able to get home okay but I don't want to wreck a new battery if this alternator is also bad.

I don't know if it's related but it also has starting problems. Turn the key and dash lights and radio light up, but then turn it to start and nothing. It doesn't sound like the starter Bendix is engaging or anything. If I keep switching the key on and off, it starts on about the 20th try and everything seems normal at that point. Normally that points to loose or bad battery cables, but they seem tight to me. And when it does fire up, the starter whirs with gusto, so it's getting plenty of juice. Bad ignition switch?

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Sounds to be like the second hand alternator is also playing up either that or it's your voltage regulator. I don't know if 280z's had these or if they were internally regulating like the 280zx.

Do you have an aftermarket thermo fan fitted to the car? I did and it burnt out 3 alternators on me so I decided to keep away from them for now until I rewire the whole car probably not likely for a long time.

Check the connections on the alternator if they look burnt or very corroded this could be a source of troulbe and I'd say your starting trouble is also likely linked to the charge issue good luck and also I should mention get an auto electrician to do a test on the alternator to see if it's cranking out enough amps.

I would have also suggested the battery but you say that's new still it can't hurt to check the fluid level in the battery is up to spec.


The alternator is one that he pulled out of his other car, which was working fine before he pulled it out. Still possible it's failed, I suppose. This is a '78, which I'm told have an internal regulator.

I have no idea if there's an aftermarket thermo-fan, I've only owned this car 2 days.

I could check the electrolyte level in the battery, but it's got plenty of juice as of now. WHEN it cranks, it cranks fast. Guess I'm off to the parts store for a wire brush and some grease.

Dunno about the charge light, but guess it would be the alternator/VR going or gone bad.

As far as the starter, i'd guess it to be going out too. My 74 260 got like that, some days she'd spin the first time, others i'd hit the igniton a dozen times to get a start. Like yours, when it cranked, it worked fine.

I got a rebuilt starter from www.rockauto.com for about $18US, she hits first time every time since then!

Good luck, Jeremiah

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