Posted August 11, 200321 yr comment_46773 Yesterday, I went shopping for a chain sling for my engine hoist so I could swap engines later this week in the Z. (Mandatory Z content!) While at an autoparts store, I notice this guy in the parking lot leaning over his car (a Hyundai something or other, older model) with a roll of masking tape. I'm a curious people watcher by nature, so I stop for the entertainment value. So here's this guy, wearing his "wife-beater" shirt and saggin' shorts, masking off the top of his windshield and the top of the driver's door. He runs two very poor strips of tape in each area. Then pulls a rattle can out of his fresh bag of store goodies and starts shaking away. I start to think, "He's really not gonna..." He momentarily then proceeds to spray a coat of clear on the roof of his faded paint car! Now keep in mind he hasn't masked the other side of the car nor have I seen any sanding... He leans over the top of the car and sprays away. He keeps spraying until the can is empty. The entire roof (or what little he could get of it). He walks the spray can over to the trash can where I was standing, and proceeds back to his car. Then he pulls off the masking tape, gets in and drives off! All I can say is there's a bad (or stupid) string of DNA running around out there in the Automotive Gene Pool this week! True enthusiasts beware! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
August 11, 200321 yr comment_46774 It happens on our cars too. We don't reffer to them as the "Dreaded P.O.s" for nothing. Many times have I found myself completly befuddled, trying to decifer the age-old question "What the hell was this guy thinking when he did this?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
August 11, 200321 yr comment_46793 That would have been worth seeing, better yet asking him what the hell he thought he was doing I've always figured it was because there aren't any lions, tigers, or bears running around loose like in the old days. They were natures way of keeping the "stupid" population in check. See what happens when you mess with mother nature!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
August 11, 200321 yr comment_46797 "Gonna git me one a them fancy clear coat jobs jes like them rich people's new fangled cars." Actually that was spray starch and he was trying to stiffen the chassis. Victor.Ps Whenever my father saw some genetic failure like that, he'd say," the worst part is knowing that there are people like that all over the roads, whizzing by you in the opposite direction at 75 mph with only a couple of feet between you and one of their god awful decisions." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
August 11, 200321 yr comment_46799 Ken, you live in such a nice neighborhood. Boy I am glad I left San Antonio... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
August 11, 200321 yr comment_46807 , pretty fair effort. At least it was only a hyundai. Funny watching people carry out maintenance in the carpark of the autoparts store. Every other time I go to my autoparts store there is some guy with his bonnet up and tools out. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
August 12, 200321 yr comment_46847 some of my friends are like this . Had a friend with an ET Pulsar Turbo. He wanted to spray his door handles black tapes up the area little bit of newspaper. It's very windy he has a dusty driveway and he's spraying this black stuff on the door handles, I go arn't you worried about overspray and you should at least clean the handles first. his response F&%* it looks cleaner that's all that matters. Friend of mine insisted on spraying his front lower half of his 162 celica from the factory there black what does he do he buys $2 reject shop paint sprays the things (he at least removes it from the car). Turns out not too bad but after a month it's faded, he used the same crap on the mirrors and rear panel which were all originally black. verdict looks awfull I tell him if your gonna do it, prime it and use good paint. What does he do buys primer uses same paint, similar result. I was very skeptical of using interior spray on my 260z. Worked a treat on the vinyl not on carpet, got me real high doing it too . I see horror stories like this everyday it seems a general practice for young guys to do. But not in all cases, it's very sad to see I just feel sorry for the next owners. When I bought my 240z I looked for the most stock one I could find and I haven't looked back. Painted bumpes, chrome bits yuk not thanks. we live and learn well I think I have anyway, from now on it's professional or not at all. "75% of my PO's were knobs". Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
August 12, 200321 yr comment_46865 I think I saw that guy yesterday.I said look dead bird.He looked up at sky and said WHERE!! :stupid: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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