August 26, 200321 yr comment_47869 Portland area Z owners. I am glad Beandip is kicking what I thought was a dead horse. Some sort of gathering would be great. I would prefer east side if possible. I have been maintaining an email address list and could send out a message when details are set. Our forum in "Local Club Forums" would be a good place to communicate. The forum name is PDX-Z.:classic: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
August 27, 200321 yr comment_47893 I just moved this thread to the PDX forum. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
June 14, 200618 yr comment_170943 We live in Sandy Oregon. My name is Paul Ruschman, I’m 38, my lovely wife of 18 years, Krystin, is… (yeah right). We have been blessed with 3 incredible daughters, Meshaelyn 13, Lelaina 11, and Isabella Mae is 18 months. We are Rusch Motorsports specializing in custom Early Z cars. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
June 14, 200618 yr comment_170979 Hmm... I'm 33, 0 kids, 0 wives, 0 girlfriends, 2 parrots, a '71 under restoration, a '75 parts car, 1 crotch rocket, and a house renovation project.Wow, I wrote that 3 years ago. Now 36, still 0 kids, 0 wives, 0 girlfriends, 1 parrot, a '71 STILL under restoration, no more crotch-rocket... now it's a Harley, and a house project MOSTLY done. ha!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
June 14, 200618 yr Author comment_170980 Paul you dug up this old thread now I have to admit to 67 ! We have had a couple of gettogethers , in the past 3 years . Now that it is summer , Ha Ha if the sun starts shinning . Lets think of a cruse. One thing , there is a gathering at PIR on Wednesday early evening every week. Last week was the first of the year and there was at least 600 custom and/or rods there . Escanlon and I had the only two Z there . It was a great time , maybe more of the Z drivers will join us , it is lots of fun . Wed 4:00 till dark. cost $5.00 to cruse in and show your car and the money goes to the children of the community . Gary :laugh: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
June 14, 200618 yr comment_171007 And just look for the BLINDINGLY BRIGHT Yellow Z (aka: Arrest Me! Yellow; or Honest Officer, I know ~nutting~ about that mile long tire scratch Yellow...)and you'll find Gary. I'll be the subtle 920 Gold Z to the side (if we get there together, and I ~know~ about the aka's on this color, so let's not go there). Oh, and due to ~some~ jealous members Gary and I won't have our hoods up. (You happy now? Bryan? Arne?) E Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
June 14, 200618 yr comment_171044 Hmmm… Wed night eh? Do they allow Race cars? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
June 15, 200618 yr comment_171072 ...snip...Oh, and due to ~some~ jealous members Gary and I won't have our hoods up. (You happy now? Bryan? Arne?) E I think we should have a salmonfly cruise. Too bad Gary will be fishing and not be able to make it this weekend. Of course, I don't think I can keep up with Paul's yellow car with 10" meats on all fours. Now that race car IS "arrest me yellow". You know ES, you can leave your hood up, I'll watch it for you while you're away. Now what socket will fit that.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
June 15, 200618 yr comment_171078 I think a 12mm for the hinges, but I only put up my hood when Gary puts his up. That way people can see a "Plain Vanilla" engine to his "Dryer's French Vanilla Limited Edition". We got rained out today at PIR, BUT they gave out $5 coupons for Beaches to those of us that showed up and VIP Passes for next week. When FunZ1Z showed up after I did, the gal at the gate thought I was trying to score a second coupon and VIP Pass. E Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
June 15, 200618 yr comment_171083 Oh, and due to ~some~ jealous members Gary and I won't have our hoods up. (You happy now? Bryan? Arne?) See if I ever make an innocent comment ever again! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
June 18, 200618 yr comment_171353 jason here! 24 in san diego, 1 kid, soon-to-be 1 wife, 1 '72 240z (2nd one), '84 bimmer...... aaaaannnd that's it!!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
November 29, 200717 yr comment_230171 Where did all the Oregon People go???I'm Michelle, and I'm in the Eugene/Springfield area, married almost 18 years, two kids, two dogs... and I've got a 280ZX 2x2 1979 that I concider to be in decent shape with only 151,000 miles on it. The first owner was my Mom...who was afraid to drive it and it spent much of it's early years being driven on Sundays and special occasions...and waxed a lot! I've had it for the past 10 years and drive it daily. It's my baby, but she shows some age spots (sun "wear" interior plastics and vinyl) and really needs to be put back into show condition. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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