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Hi all,

Great news. I just received this morning a poster (A3) format, from the only rally Z participated in the rally. Driver was Shekhar Mehta and navigator Claes Billstam.

They did not finish unfortunately.

Look at the strange Cibie Porsche lamps at the bonnet and the incredible ‘cowcatcher’…


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Hi Guus,

That's an interesting photo!

The only photo I have seen of the Mehta / Billstam 1973 Bandama Rally Z shows slightly different details.

Biggest difference is that in your poster photo the Cibie Oscars on the front of the bonnet are very easy to spot. On the ( black and white - and not so clear ) photo that I have seen, these lamps are just not there.

I can't quite make out the race number on the door of the car in the black and white photo - but it looks different. The front spot lamps ( four of them ) look like they are higher ( behind the cow catcher ) and spread out further.

I guess there is a great possibility that they could have moved the lamps during the rally. Maybe because of damage or function issues?

I'm wondering whether these photos are of the same car on the same event, or of the same car on different events, or of different cars on the same event, or of different cars on different events.

My head hurts.:stupid:

Alan T.


Are you shure it's '73 and that it is no private entry?

The poster was once published in the german "Rallye +Racing" magazine and I have it at home. Another centerfold was Metha's jumping 260Z at the Acropolis. I have that, too. Unfortunately the magazine's publisher is sold and the old staff did not join the new one, else I could ask there.


Sorry, another item: Is it the same car on Guus' and Alan's pictures? Not only the lamps are different, als the side mirror and why should that be changed in case of a front crash. I also can't believe that the factory drivers used a blue car. I always thought it was a private entry, maybe a french.


Good points Rolf,

Shekhar Mehta ( and some other 'Works' drivers ) sometimes entered rallies using Works cars that were on loan to them, or were entered by the local Nissan / Datsun dealers.

These entries were not classed as full Works entries, but they sometimes used Works cars or Works-supplied equipment. Sometimes this allowed them to use equipment from their own private sponsors. I remember one case where Mehta used 'Sears' brand white-band tyres on an ex-Works car.

The blue car is immediately suspectable as a non-Works car because of its colour. It looks like a standard Nissan colour rather than a respray. The prominent Cibie sponsorship is also suspect, and I don't see any tell-tale details on the car that would suggest that it is ex-Works or carries Works parts. Can't see the wheels in Guus's photo.

What with the Bandama having so many French connections, your suspicions of a French privateer entry could well be accurate.

As far as I was aware, the car that Mehta and Billstam used on the 1973 Bandama was red, and was an ex-Safari Rally Works car.

Has Guus discovered an interesting privateer entry?

Alan T.

Hi guys,

Don’t we have fun???

I received this poster, after waiting for a week! I had to go to work but wanted to let you know what I received!!

First some data. Rolf, you are right about the poster it came from the magazine Rallye Racing February 1974. The story is of the rallye 28-30 December 1973. This will not say the poster is of this rallye but I suspect it is a ’73 participant, because the works 1800SSS at an other picture has the same start number layout .

I also suspected this was the only Z taken part at the rallye……so it had to be Mehta and Billstram. However, as Alan suggest it could be a sneaky privateer!

Indeed the mirrors are different; on the blue none, at Alan’s at least one.

The additional spot lamps are not correct.

The cowcatcher shape, drivers side, is not the same: at the blue there’s a curve, Alan’s is square. In addition, the blue one is thicker.

The stickers at the bonnet have a huge difference; the blue has a big round white one and Alan’s has two small ones right and left and something behind the spot lamps??

Rolf mentioned a French entry, could be thru because the headlamps are typical yellow!!

It’s hard to tell if the car has works wheels, can’t see. It sure has the large bottom plate.

Just went for a search on bandama and look what I found


Amazing is Alan’s picture at this site, claiming it’s Raudet!!???><%%$:tapemouth

The rally of Bandama 1972

At the beginning of the Seventies, the African rallies are in full rise. East African Safari is already legendary. There remains the African rally most outstanding. Other rallies become extensive, like the rally of Morocco, that of New Caledonia or of South Africa Created in 1969, the rally of the Bandama-Marathon of the Côte d ‘Ivoire clearly seeks to compete with its model, East African Safari.

The course of the edition 1972 is impressive. It consists of no special test. But the competitors must traverse the various stages at a mean velocity of 100km/h, which is difficult to respect because of the rough ground. The times of setting except race do not leave much margin.

At the beginning of this 4000 km long test, one finds 43 crews. Several manufacturers are committed. Initially Peugeot, with ten prepared cars including four 504 with Sochaux for Beltoise, Fall, Counter, and Mikkola and one 304 for P. Palayer.

Renault is not remains about it with eight R16TS allotted Gamet, Mons, to Nicolas, B Palayer, Reignier, Claudine Trautmann, Vanson and Verrier.

The Citroen team as for it dispatches a prototype DS cut for Neyret (victorious of the preceding edition) whereas Bochnicek and Garlet have DS23 provided by the importer.

Renault provided a large effort while not engaging less than eight R16TS

Henri Pescarolo and Johnny Rives on Chrysler 180 face with these powerful French teams Datsun are armed best. Raudet and Sausset are engaged on 240Z. But especially, the factory engages officially two 1600SSS for Larrouse and Mehta, this last being a large specialist in East African Safari. In addition, local Chasseuil and three pilots among whom competitor Karam them also on 1600SSS.

Chrysler (owner of Simca) is committed with two 180 for Pagani and Pescarolo and two 1100S controlled by Men from the Ivory Coast.

In addition, let us announce the presence of Porsche 911S of Touroul.

Course of the test:

In order to establish the starting order, a prologue is organized. It is about a hill climb on beaten ground. Neyret on its half-compartment DS signs best time. Follow Touroul on Porsche and Mikkola on Peugeot. Neyret is satisfied, because it will be thus the first to be sprung, and will thus avoid being obstructed by the dust raised by cars preceding it.

The first stages form a loop of 600 km on the basis of the surroundings of Abidjan and going back there. The first stage, Abidjan - Abengourou, starts with a very fast track. The test is of entry of play difficult, bus with heat, it is necessary to add the lack of visibility which had with dust. And in spite of that, the cars slip by to 120 - 130 km/h. This supported rate/rhythm, Porsche de Tourel will not have resisted a long time. It typed and broke an axle. It will not be able to continue. It is not only. For Regnier, the rally stops there: its R16 is on the roof! In Abengourou, only nine crews are in times, all the others are penalized! The tone is given.

Mikkola carries out an excellent beginning of rallye Cela is not arranged in the second stage, Abengourou - Aboisso. The difficulty goes up of a notch. The competitors are inserted in the bush. The track narrows, skirts the border of Ghana. The night fell, which does not arrange the visibility, but it is necessary to continue at an intensive pace. The plate is severely reduced. The Chrysler 180 give up both, Pagani knowing a breakdown of battery and Pescarolo a breakage of fastener of suspension. Peugeot loses Guichet (engine failure) and P. Palayer (left). The 304 turned over of this last is struck by the 504 of Assef. Fortunately, nobody is wounded.

At Renault, Gamet (breaking of the nose gear) and B Palayer (alternator) disappear, while Nicolas encounters difficulties with his clutch. On the whole, 18 teams throw sponge at the time of the first or the second stage. In Aboisso, nobody avoids the penalization. Neyret takes only 6 minutes and preserves the head at the general classification. Behind him, Mikkola limits the damage with 8 minutes, while Larrousse bails out 11 minutes. Behind, Chasseuil, Bochnicek, Mehta, Fall and Beltoise bail out from 21 to 27 minutes of penalty.

Insufficiently prepared, Renault disappear the ones after the others

The continuation of the course, which connects Abidjan to Bouaké, proves to be a new martyrdom. The track is initially particularly battered; of high grasses camouflage the many traps of them. Further, it improves but is transformed into corrugated sheet. To limit the vibrations, the cars slip by around 160 km/h. Many competitors are embourbent in the first kilometres, of which Chasseuil on Datsun which will not be able to get clear. Nicolas gives up because of a breaking of steering gear box. Vanson enlarges the list of the abandonment’s at Renault. Peugeot loses Beltoise (breaking of driving support). As for Mikkola, it avoids on several occasions the setting except race because of an intervention on its car little before the departure of Abidjan, which made him lose 40 min.

The prototype DS of Neyret faitmerveille on ground breaking at the beginning of Abidjan, Neyret knows a beautiful fright: by error, one pours a water jerry can to him in his tank! It will be able to continue, but must stop every 100 km to clean its candles, wastes time, and thus takes a 63 minutes penalty. It loses its first place with the profit of Mehta, but remains in fight for the final victory, because it has only five minutes of delay on the pilot of Datsun.

Larrousse has great problems to join Bouaké. It starts by breaking a rod of direction then break down from alternator. Finally, it avoids the setting except race by the fact that this one... was lengthened three hours! Indeed, without this arrangement, only Neyret, Mehta, Fall, Mikkola and Raudet, are five competitors, could have continued! Bochnicek, Garlet, Karam, Larrousse, Claudine Trautmann, and Glass-maker are thus fished out. Rescapés are not any more but eleven! We are not whereas with the third of the test, a little less 1200km were traversed.

The Citroen disappear

In the stage Bouaké-DuékouéL' following stage, Bouaké - Duékoué, does not save obviously mechanics. The competitors leave the bush and cross a tortuous, piégeuse savanna. The track is perforated, crossed by bleedings or fords. The hecatomb continues. Bochnicek and Garlet on Citroen DS 23 know mechanical concern, Mikkola (Peugeot 504) breakage its suspension front. Just like Neyret (Citroen DS prototype) which, of end of force, thinks of giving up. But its team-member, Terramorsi, motivated in two, succeeds in clogging the escape of hydraulic fluid, after two hours of efforts. Mow! The crew accumulated too much delay and arrives except times at Duékoué, after 800 kilometers without suspension!

Larrousse throws sponge, driving support broken. As for Glass-maker (Renault 16), his cylinder head gasket returns the heart following a breakdown of water pump. Claudine Trautmann (Renault 16), victim of many punctures, is put except race... for five small minutes!

Raudet (Datsun), except race also, however decides to him to continue, but it breaks little time after its gearbox. They are only three with to have arrived within the times, after 2300km traversed. Mehta (Datsun) is classified first in front of Fall (Peugeot) with 1h04 and Karam (Datsun) with 2h43.Raudet, author of an excellent course, is found with a failing transmission, causes its setting except race then of its final adoption

Despite everything its experiment, Mehta will not come to end from this Bandama 72, literally infaisableDevant so many difficulties, which was to arrive, arrived! The following stage, Duékoué - Daloa, are fatal with the rescapés last, which know all their batch of mechanical concern or galère. Karam gives up. Mehta takes advance, but enlise in a mud pit. Fall arrives on the spot. The two crews succeed in extracting Datsun. That made more than 28 hours that Fall and Mehta lead almost without stopping. In the light of the headlights, the two cars progress painfully. The two crews help each other.

They arrive together at Tabou, about midnight, with already... nearly twelve hours of delay! They are not at the end of their sorrows: a violent one storm bursts. The track is nothing any more but one immense mud pit. They continue thus during nearly three hours. Tired, and knowing that nobody any more will arrive at the end of the stage in times, Mehta prefers to stop to sleep before joining Daloa. Fall him is resigned and traversed the last 300 kilometres which separate it from the arrival of the stage, where nobody any more does not await it! The delay is too significant. The police chiefs left...


The rally was thus found without competitor, whereas a third of the course still remained to be made!!! Vis-a-vis this exceptional situation, that to make? Wouldn't it be worth to better reward the last survivors, by taking for final classification the arrival with Duékoué? Especially when the accomplished human effort is carried out, because in addition to tiredness inherent in this type of test, the competitors moreover had to wipe violent one storms, thing rare at this season. It would not be the first time that a test would not go in its term, but that a classification would be established. One remembers a Turn of Corsica, in 1961, where similar case had ariseeed, following a snowstorm.

Finally, the organizers decided anything to ratify whole! No prize list was established. The fourth edition of Bandama thus finishes in fish tail. It is also one consent of failure on behalf of the organization, which with too much wanting to exceed East African Safari rally ended up establishing a literally unfeasible course.

In spite of that, extremely of a growing fame, Bandama was essential like a test headlight of the African continent. Moreover, the Côte d ‘Ivoire rally will integrate the championship of the world in 19 *** TRANSLATION ENDS HERE ***78 et ce jusqu'en 1992.


Do you think Raudet might have been in the blue car?

As far as I have read, Raudet was in an ex-Works car ( ex-Safari ) but I have not seen a clear picture of it so I was doubtful.

Lots of cars were ( and still are! ) claimed as "ex-Safari" when they never even went near Africa...........

You are doing the right thing by looking so very closely at the details of the cars in the photos. A lot can be deduced from this. However, I've been tripped-up many times by pictures being mis-captioned or even being from a completely different event. The usual problem is race reports and features that use pictures from the previous year's event to illustrate the latest news! Most misleading.

Our mystery deepens I think.................

Alan T.

So there were two 240Z cars in the 1973 Bandama according to our pictures ( they are definitely different cars - agreed? ) and I think Raudet must have been in the car in the black and white picture ( presumably red and ex-Works ).

So who was in the blue car? Was that actually Raudet? If so, who was in the other car ( obviously not Mehta if he was in a Bluebird? ).

This is a difficult one.

Originally posted by Z-point

The rally of Bandama 1972

Datsun are armed best. Raudet and Sausset are engaged on 240Z. But especially, the factory engages officially two 1600SSS for Larrouse and Mehta, this last being a large specialist in East African Safari. In addition, local Chasseuil and three pilots among whom competitor Karam them also on 1600SSS.


Do not mix up these two stories!

Quote above is from the 1972 rallye.

Raudet is driving in '72 >unfortunately perhaps your picture? As the website claims

The blue one is driving at the ’73 perhaps by Mehta????????????

I'm going to sleep

I think I need to sleep too - I'm obviously falling into too many holes in this story!

The black and white photo is supposedly of Raudet & Sausset on the 1972 Bandama. I don't have any info that points to that car being ex-Works ( which is the main point that interests me ).

I have a report of the 1974 Bandama that says that Mehta and Billstam were in an ex-Works ( Safari? ) Z - starting no.7 - and registered TKS 33 SA 4081 ( interesting car, that one ).

Let's look into it further when we are wide awake.

Alan T.

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