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Clutch Bleed


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When looking into bleeding my clutch due to a leak, I had a question. When I am looking at the clutch master (where the resevoir is to fill the clutch fluid next to the windshield washer fluid) I was reading that therer should be two screws on the underside of the body., one having the rubber piece on it and being able to drain. When I was feeling around I only felt one potential screw and nothing else. Also it had no rubber on it.

Am I looking in the wrong place? Should I be at some other area to drain the fluid?


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I'm assuming there should be a bleeder screw on the underside of the mastercylinder (or the side?). Anyway it's a screw with a nipple on it. The rubber part is a cover to prevent any small drops of brake fluid from getting on the paint, but those are usually long gone by now. If there is none on yours you could always use the bleeder screw on the slave cylinder (passenger side of tranny) which is where you bleed the clutch system from anyway. Good luck

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Open the bleeder on the slave cylinder a 1/4 turn or less and then pump the pedal a couple times. Opening it just slightly leaves a little resistance in the system and will help force any trapped air out of the slave. Once you have that done that, you can then open the bleeder on the slave a little more and if the air is gone, the system should bleed the the rest of the way by gravity.

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Alright I will check out the slave. It is strange though cause a bunch of posts I found on here said Master and so did haynes. At least I am not the only one not finding a place to bleed it on the master. This will be a nice item to add to my list tommorow.


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Alright, found my leak. It looks like the leak is the tubing that connects into the slave. The problem is removing this hose. Does anyone have any idea on how to remove it? I have it removed from the slave itself but not from the other end that heads up towards the hood of the car. Where it conencts I can not really geta hold on it with a wrench and even when I dothere is not really any space to move the wrench.

has anyone removed this before? How did you go about doing it?


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Have you pulled the locking tab out of the holder for the connection between the line and hose? Usually folks will leave the mounting tab alone until they have the connection loosened. If you did remove it, you'll need a wrench on the hard line and one on the hose. Spray Kroil, Liquid Wrench or whatever you use for penetrating oil and let it soak into the connection for a while. Use a 10mm flare-nut wrench on the hard line fitting, and BE CAREFUL. You don't want to ruin the flats on the fitting.

PS this is a common place for the clutch system to develop a leak. Clutch Hoses are cheap, but you'll probably not find a replacement at your local parts store.

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