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Our club has been growing! We are getting to the point where we are busting at the seams and more people are asking, "What kind of Zcar content can we post or talk about?"

Well, here's your answer!!

This site accepts any kind of content about Zcars as long as the information relates to the CLASSIC Zcar. No problem, right?!

Sure, but, the definition of a CLASSIC ZCAR is up for debate and I'm sure our club could talk about it until we are blue in the face.

So, we need to keep in mind that a few simple rules are in place here. They are:

1) Keep all content Z related. The occasional joke, comic, other car companies, and just general 'other' content is also welcome. However, it should be in limited quantity.

2) All content should be useful to an owner of a Classic Z. If you are posting messages about how to add a supercharger to the newest 350z, you should probably take your message to a site that is dedicated to the 350z. Although we do discuss the 350z on this site, we usually talk about the styling, design, handling, and how it compares to the true classic.

3) Keep in mind that our site is a place where ALL creatures are welcome. We don't have any official speakers or representatives and the messages sent and received by other members should be construed as opinions. Whatever you take from this site, we want to make sure that you walk away with a confidence that your car is the best damn thing on the planet. :D And, that you can work on it knowing that others are here to help you.

4) Remember that our site is a moving target. Although our focus will *NEVER* stray from the Z, our content can change and move according to the people we attract. We want to make sure you get what you came for.

5) Never flame (messages filled with emotion rather than fact) and treat all members like they were your best friend. We are here to help each other and any debate that moves away from factual Z-related content will only harm all of us in the end.

There ya go, if you think we need more rules or changes to the rules please let me know. If you forget all 5, remember this NUMBER ONE RULE... keep all content Z related. You'll be right on track....................


Mike :bunny:


Featured Replies

Originally posted by That Ozzy Guy


If you click on the Forums tab and then look at the bottom right you will find a 'Forum Leaders' link. Click on that and you can see the heirachy of this site.

Thanks George, I've never seen that page before. I didn't know it even existed.

Yes - thanks for that George,

I can see that the new "Super Moderators" are listed by name - so now we know WHO they are, but I'm still none the wiser with regard to what powers they hold and inside what parameters they operate.

Anybody care to enlighten me so as I can keep away from the electric fences and minefields?

Alan T.

My Super-Secrect Mission has been, so far,

Approve a "S" load of photographs - Had no idea they came in so often!

Make sure the photos are going to the correct galleries - I think I've redirrected 4 so far.

Make sure new posts are posted to the correct forum - fixed three as of today.

Respond to reported posts - one so far, and it was an error.

The only corrective action has been to inform someone not to broadcast a "For Sale" via the PM system and use the "For Sale Forum.

Sorry for the late delay on this. Super-moderators have a lot of control over the forums and have generously volunteered to help me keep posts in the right forum and simply help out around the house.

They are here to make your experience better. You won't be forced to wait for me to take action anymore.

I also have a policy of 'free speech' on the site (up to a certain point) and asked them not to restrict message posting. However, if threads start to spiral downhill, they will take some action.

Simply put, these guys volunteered to 'help' since I'm not here to work as much as I have in the past. They aren't here to act as a big brother. Their main focus is to move threads into the right forum and clean up around the house.

-- Mike

PS: Sorry I haven't done an announcement about this yet. As you can see, even that menial task is difficult for me. hahhaa

I really appreciate the help ANY of you can give on the site.

In fact, I've been wondering if someone is interested in becoming a 'front page news' announcer. It would be cool to have interesting stories on the front page more often.

-- Mike

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