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Bought some dynamat substitue from McMaster carr and have been installing it. Goes in great and forms well to conturers.

I have a question though for anyone that may have used something like this. On something like a door where would you put it for best effect? I think that if I put it under the interior skin it won't fit right because of the thickness of the dynamat. The inside of the doors was coated years ago and is rough, I don't think the mat will stick to it. Any suggestions?

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I've been contemplating using Dynamat myself. I'm not to that stage yet I'm still shopping for the best stuff. How do you like it so far? Any complaints? Did you get the Dynamat super? I think that's what it's called, the one that's aluminized on both sides? Any suggestions? Let us know how you like it.

What I bought is not Dynamat brand, but is suppose to be the same thing as regular Dynamat but like half the price. It is really nice stuff and is very easy to work with. I am happy with it and look forward to driving with reduced road noise.

Originally posted by vercingetorix


I am getting ready to use some stuff called fatmat in my wifes Ghia and My '71 Z it is massivly cheaper than dynamat extreme and performs better. (so the numbers say)


H Houghton

Do you have a link to a place that sells this stuff? Any specs for us to compare the product to Dynamat?

its about time you guys asked a stereo related question, and yes dynomat and other related meterials are used BIG TIME in the car audio world.

I've been doing car stereo for over 17 years.

All 3 products are excellent for 1) noise reduction 2) vibration dampening and 3) as a moisture barrier.

as for the door or car in question, I use the THIN dynomat or alternate (cheap stuff) as a vapor stop on the inside of the door, behind the door panel, (which will also stop that pesky drip that you see at the bottom of the door and on the inside skuff plate after a good rain or washing)

the door panel usually goes right back on and the mat does not push out on the panel either.

as for acoustic usage or making you speakers more efficiant under less wattage, placing a thick or double layered peice (aprox. 6" to 8" inches in diameter ) directly behind the speaker ( on the inside of the outer door skin) will stop almost all resinence and vibration. hense, you'll hear more music than noise.

and the dynomat seals off the door to make it a better enclosure for the speaker

So all and all, you cant really go wrong with this stuff. it usually available at any real stereo shop and you might want to try a place called "the right connection"

they got tons of stuff for your car.

So cut it the same way you would a plastic sheet that you would normally use as a vapor barrier, all around the door seam aprox 1/2" shorter in diameter than your door panel

Clean the surface really good and warm it up before you put the dynomat (etc.) on. and roll out as many air bubbles as possible using a wooden or rubber roller and a heat gun.

One thing you might want to consider is matting under the headliner. its the biggest interior sheet metal on the car and the most often forgotten about. and the wheel well too.


The web page for fatmat is www.fatmat.com

Much info and installation pics. several products with comparison

db ratings etc. I dont know how much is advertising hyperbole but it sounds O.K.

I'll be getting mine next week and will let you know.


H Houghton

Originally posted by mperdue

What they do require is a massive mounting surface, such as a door panel loaded with Dynamat or another sound deadener. But in most cases, the volume of a door panel is big enough that it can essentially be considered a free-air system


You're correct, but what I was trying to get across was that the 240Zs and most others come with a plastic sheet over the inside of the door that acts like a vapor barrier and keeps some noise out of the cab.

Dynomat and all other products in the same class do essencially the same thing as the plastic sheet with the exception of they are designed for sound deadening, and are tar or asphalt based, which make them water proof.

The door still has the same cubic feet as before but its a more re-enforsed enclosure and vibration is cut severely to a minimum.

You can't go wrong with these products and even the cheap ones are better than using just plastic, unless your going for that "true original look".

Even if you use just a small piece in the middle of a panel, ( for lack of funds or trying to keep the weight down) there is still a significant differrence in sound and vibration transfer.

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