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This is not meant to discourage you from learning about working on your car (actually I applaud you for not being afraid to jump in and try),...............but from the questions you are asking it is my OPINION, that you are not ready to tackle adjusting your valves by yourself. You would be IMHO much better off with someone there to guide you who has done this before. It is not terribly difficult, but it is something that you want to get done right. Adjusting valves on a hot engine must be done quickly and accurately to get it right.

Is ther anyone who can help you with this?

no ther is not really.

I already did it.

I started out hot but only got two or 4 done. Then I decided I did not want to keep warming it up because each valve took me like 20 minutes. So I let it cool off and did them cold. I got a lot better after the first two or three. Only question I had was that the rocker had a little bit of play in it. Like it kind of lightly spring up off the lash pad a bit. I just pushed it against the pad and then used the feeler gauge, is this ok? Also who ever reads this please post your "techniques" for using the feeler gauge.

Also my oil bar is bent :( well not really the bar but the piece that connects the bar to the cam tower. It does not get in the way of the internals and is still sturdy...

I uploaded pics into my gallery of the head with the cover off and the oil bar. please tell me what you guys think.

I am going to go start her up now and see if I tunned it any better than it already was...

Originally posted by Tourniqet

Only question I had was that the rocker had a little bit of play in it. Like it kind of lightly spring up off the lash pad a bit. I just pushed it against the pad and then used the feeler gauge, is this ok? Also who ever reads this please post your "techniques" for using the feeler gauge.

Also my oil bar is bent :( well not really the bar but the piece that connects the bar to the cam tower. It does not get in the way of the internals and is still sturdy...


It sounds like your valves were loose to begin with. Did you remove the little "mousetrap" springs before adjusting the valves? They should be removed, and this should keep the rocker from "springing up" as you described. Also gives a bit more room to work

You discovered the difficulty in doing the valves hot, you have to move FAST, or; due to the cooling temps the valves will be adjusted to different specs as the metal contracts as it cools.

Keep a close eye on the oil spray bar as they tend to crack and leak right where the tubes are brazed at the ends. It can be hard to see the cracks.

Thanks for all the info Bambikiller,

You are probably right, I should not be jumping into things without experience, or any help. Part of the reason why I bought this car was to figure stuff out first hand.

I started her up and it was a good bit quieter. It ran a good bit smoother, and everything seems to be in the positive. Half way through I thought i would not be able to tell the difference, because the adjustments seemed pretty small. I think I was wrong. I am pretty pumped about it because it made such a difference, and I could not have done it perfect on my first time so It can only get better.

oh and ya I forgot to take the little mouse trap spring guys off...

Originally posted by Tourniqet

You are probably right, I should not be jumping into things without experience, or any help. Part of the reason why I bought this car was to figure stuff out first hand.

I started her up and it was a good bit quieter. It ran a good bit smoother, and everything seems to be in the positive.

Congratulatons, sounds like you completed the job successfully!

My comments were meant only to indicate that it is safer to have someone with more experience around to keep an eye out for "rookie" mistakes. Doesn't sound like you needed that though after all. Forgetting to undo the mousetraps isn't a big deal, removing them just gives you a bit more room to work. (I usually remove the oil spray bar for the same reason, also I'm afraid that I'll bash it with a wrench and bust it, and they aren't too cheap)

Having the cojones to jump in and try new stuff is a good thing. Just arm yourself with all the knowledge you can gather and work carefully. You already know that you can ask any question here and there are many folks to offer help if or when you need it.

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