Lately I have been seeing a lot of members posting their home e-mail addresses, phone numbers and names when replying to for sale or wanted ads on the site.
Please, in the interest of your own security, don't put your home phone numbers, or e-mail addresses out in the open, use the Private Message feature to trade private addresses and phone numbers.
While we can trust many of our members not to use this information against us, we cannot control people who may be searching our site looking for things of this nature for whatever their purpose might be.
With the recent advent of the National Do Not Call list, telemarketers, direct marketers and scammers will be forced to change their tactics on how to get around the new law.
I have personally received in the mail, 3 direct marketing companies trying to "hawk" their wares to me. These have all been from people I have never heard of before, trying to sell me everything from business forms to pens for the Classic Z Car Club.
These all came to my home address, with my name on the envelope and the pens even had my street address and home phone number printed on them. How they got this information by scanning this site, or how they seemed to come to the conclusion that this was my club is beyond me. But, this should be a lesson to all of you that everything, and anything you put out in the public view is subject to more than any of us really con comprehend.
So, please, in your best interest, use the Private Message function any time you wish to contact a member with your personal information. If you wish to be first in line for a part or a car that is offered, reply to the thread with a message that tells the person they have a Private Message waiting for them.
Mike has done all that he can to keep things as secure for all of us, so please, use this feature to prevent any of us becoming the victims of the people we all hear about on the news and in the media. We cannot guarantee your privacy or security if you put your private numbers and addresses out there for the general public to see.
Lately I have been seeing a lot of members posting their home e-mail addresses, phone numbers and names when replying to for sale or wanted ads on the site.
Please, in the interest of your own security, don't put your home phone numbers, or e-mail addresses out in the open, use the Private Message feature to trade private addresses and phone numbers.
While we can trust many of our members not to use this information against us, we cannot control people who may be searching our site looking for things of this nature for whatever their purpose might be.
With the recent advent of the National Do Not Call list, telemarketers, direct marketers and scammers will be forced to change their tactics on how to get around the new law.
I have personally received in the mail, 3 direct marketing companies trying to "hawk" their wares to me. These have all been from people I have never heard of before, trying to sell me everything from business forms to pens for the Classic Z Car Club.
These all came to my home address, with my name on the envelope and the pens even had my street address and home phone number printed on them. How they got this information by scanning this site, or how they seemed to come to the conclusion that this was my club is beyond me. But, this should be a lesson to all of you that everything, and anything you put out in the public view is subject to more than any of us really con comprehend.
So, please, in your best interest, use the Private Message function any time you wish to contact a member with your personal information. If you wish to be first in line for a part or a car that is offered, reply to the thread with a message that tells the person they have a Private Message waiting for them.
Mike has done all that he can to keep things as secure for all of us, so please, use this feature to prevent any of us becoming the victims of the people we all hear about on the news and in the media. We cannot guarantee your privacy or security if you put your private numbers and addresses out there for the general public to see.
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