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Its Snowing!


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Well right now in Vancouver, Washinton it is snowing hard, the first snow we have gotten in any quantity for a couple of years, yes im driveing my z in it as its become my daily driver at least for winter. the cold air dont agree with my 65 stang. but dont worry i dount if the snow with stay around to long it never does,

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Snow, huh. I'm sure the schools are shuting down and the freeways will be a mess. I too am from the mighty Northwest, Portland to be exact. But now live in the desert of New Mexico. I didn't really mind the snow up there. It's the black ice that scared me! :o Hope you make it home safe. An idiot rear ended my VW Beetle in a snowstorm up there once.:stupid:

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Originally posted by Smokey

The few times I drove my '72 in the snow/ice it did pretty good for a RWD car.

In my younger days, I drove both my '71 240Z and my '75 280Z here in the Illinois snow for a number of years. For a small sportscar, it was a hoot in the snow. I never got stuck, even with 6+ inches on the ground, and (mild) drift-busting was easy on the streets. Now, both of those cars died from the rust demon, but hey, I was young...once.

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