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:disappoin :disappoin :disappoin

AAAAWWWWW, Gee , Lachlan, I was hoping for the "BEFORE" pic first.

Yair Sean,

I'm with you on that kind of so called "Sport".

The local golf course boasts a few mobs of kangaroos that wander all over the course. The damned things are so tame that you can walk right in amongst them to play a shot and they couldn't care less (although there's a couple of big bucks I like to keep an eye on).

Night before last, a couple of brave Big Game Hunters had fun with their cross bows. The cops are on their trail and looks like they'll get the B's.

I know where I'd like to put one of their quarrels.

They've GOT to be sick in the head.


They're usually so whacked up with juice ! They let a bird go just 120metres from my house and four of them shot at it - did they hit it ? No, but later on it flew back to where they let it go and got hit by a car ! They are not allowed to carry a gun cocked less than 200 metres from any dwelling, let alone shoot !

The other version of the sport is to build a 'hide', sit there, eat your sandwiches, quaff a drop of wine or cognac and wait for the fauna to pass by - must keep 'em fit, that one !

Originally posted by 2ManyZs

Lachlan seems to be pretty good about keeping this thread off course doesn't he????????LOL :devious:

Well, the Pup sure trys to keep the thread "off topic", but I'd like to point out that THURSDAY (the date of completion of his computer repair, and promised delivery date of the pic) has come and gone in Oz, and the "before" picture has not yet materialized. Wonder what the excuse will be THIS TIME?:ermm:

Hey fellas I never thought car enthusiasts would bring up topics like hunting on a automotive forum, but since you have, let me have a say :classic:

First of all I own three rifles and two shotguns-all licensed and locked; why? Because I am a hunter. I regard myself as a hunter and I make a point of this because of the difference between shooters and hunters.

I do not regard myself as the stereotypical media hyped moron, mind you though these gun happy dickheads do exist and are a blight on a skilful sport, I always shake my head when I see roadsigns cluttered with shotgun holes- I think to myself sarcastically 'they must be really skilful to hit a huge sign with with pellets that spread 2.5 metres, why don't they try a target 250mts away no bigger than football!'.

I'm not surprised so many people react shocked when they find out/ask me, and I make a point of distinguishing between what the real hunter does as opposed to the low lifes.

What I shoot, I take home, never more than I need, if so, some friends/relatives get some. I also hunt on foot, ALL THE TIME, not with dogs, not in the back of a ute with spotlights; I'm too tired in the evening from walking 20-30klms in a day tracking a deer or wild boars. I do my drinking in the evening, couple of scotch, lovely.

We also help our farmers to some extent; many of them now charge a daily fee to hunt their properties, fair enough as times are tough AND assisting in removing pests from their land, namely wild pigs who tear into sheep and lambs on a daily basis when their number are up; this goes for foxes as well.

Anyway enough of my attempt at justifiying what I do in a legal, responsible and safe manner, just wanna let you guys know hunting is just another activity that I love doing in the great outdoors; nothing better than pitching a tent by a river, sitting by a huge redgum fire, listening to/telling a few tall tales and looking up in amazement trying to figure out where did all those stars come from!

Just thought I'd let you guys know my case, thanks.

Originally posted by JMT240KGTR

Hey fellas I never thought car enthusiasts would bring up topics like hunting on a automotive forum, but since you have, let me have a say :classic:

Just a short note.... I fully agree with your point of view, JMT240K.

I am a Hunter and a Shooter. I shooter rifles, pistols, and shotguns competively. Most of the competitions I'm involved in are black powder. Some are Civil War Skirmishes, Mountain Men, and Cowboy Action shooting. Dressing the part is the best part of these activities.

Just my view...now back to the topic already in progress....


Don't you love these forums ? It's almost like we're all round a table after a day trekking (on foot) some nice tasty beast !

Good luck to you guys hunting, I don't like the armchair ar**holes, that's all !

And now, WHERE'S the photos ?

:devious: :devious: :devious:

HHHMMM, Yes Carl, You have a good point there mate.

I just checked through the mugshots and he's not there.


Ummmmm, Laaaaachlan, It's FRIDAY NIGHT mate.

C'mon, FESS UP, give us that BEFORE shot.

Has anyone else gone back to page 15 ??????

Mighty STRAAAANGE statement there. :devious: :devious:

:devious: :devious:


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