A chorus of ‘**** me’ rang through the office as we cast our eyes on the new Triumph Rocket III. The Hinkley firm has taken the rule book, then chucked it away in making this most massive of machines. The numbers are big, with a capital B. There’s a 2,294cc longitudinal inline triple cylinder engine, 147ft lb of torque (at 2,500rpm!), 140bhp, a 240/50-section rear tyre and it’s claimed to pull 1.2g under acceleration. With specs like this Triumph really has stuck a rocket under Harley Davidson, and it’s not shy on the styling front either – Triumph has imported a whole heap of ‘bad-ass’ to make this utterly stunning creation. It should be released next spring but we’ll have a gawp at the Milan show and let you know what it’s like in the flesh.
The first production bike over two litres – with a 12-valve, fuel injected beast of a triple twice as torquey as a gixxer thou.
The tubular steel frame has to cope with massive power and 320 kilos but Triumph claim it’s going to be balanced and manageable.
It may have oil tanker proportions but Daytona 955i brakes should shore it up nicely.
She’s a big ‘un alright and the Kings Road isn’t going to know what’s hit it. The rear tyre is so fat it’s got it’s own postcode
I want one I know it's not Z:stupid: But OMG :cheeky:
From UK based Superbike Magazine:
Triumph Rocket III
2.3 litre Harley Beater
Triumph sticks a rocket under Harley Davidson
A chorus of ‘**** me’ rang through the office as we cast our eyes on the new Triumph Rocket III. The Hinkley firm has taken the rule book, then chucked it away in making this most massive of machines. The numbers are big, with a capital B. There’s a 2,294cc longitudinal inline triple cylinder engine, 147ft lb of torque (at 2,500rpm!), 140bhp, a 240/50-section rear tyre and it’s claimed to pull 1.2g under acceleration. With specs like this Triumph really has stuck a rocket under Harley Davidson, and it’s not shy on the styling front either – Triumph has imported a whole heap of ‘bad-ass’ to make this utterly stunning creation. It should be released next spring but we’ll have a gawp at the Milan show and let you know what it’s like in the flesh.
The first production bike over two litres – with a 12-valve, fuel injected beast of a triple twice as torquey as a gixxer thou.
The tubular steel frame has to cope with massive power and 320 kilos but Triumph claim it’s going to be balanced and manageable.
It may have oil tanker proportions but Daytona 955i brakes should shore it up nicely.
She’s a big ‘un alright and the Kings Road isn’t going to know what’s hit it. The rear tyre is so fat it’s got it’s own postcode
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