Stupid things. The small, mini-lites. Theya re supposed to continue to operate even if one is burned out, which they do. But I keep getting half a string to go out. I know how these things are wired--with their double series--and what the priniciple is to keeping them going "even when one is burned out." But what do you do when half the string goes out? It's not the little fuses. I actually just took every dead light out and replaced them in the entire dead half. nothing. Anybody know the trick to these?
Stupid things. The small, mini-lites. Theya re supposed to continue to operate even if one is burned out, which they do. But I keep getting half a string to go out. I know how these things are wired--with their double series--and what the priniciple is to keeping them going "even when one is burned out." But what do you do when half the string goes out? It's not the little fuses. I actually just took every dead light out and replaced them in the entire dead half. nothing. Anybody know the trick to these?
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