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a very sad day for me


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well its something i really hated to do but i had to sell the 260Z8 today. seems my parents had hit hard times and needed immediate money for land taxes they hadnt been able to pay for over 4 years. well i hope the new owner is happy and takes care of my fastest Z. i will miss her dearly. the good news is my parents home is no longer in jeopardy. well you win some you lose some. :(

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I hate to see situations like that! I sure am glad things are better and you won't be losing the house. You are a very giving person to sell your Z like that.

Don't worry, good people are rewarded in the end. Just stick in there and know that you'll get that Z once again.

I am a firm believer in the philosophy of helping your fellow man -- especially if it's your own parents. I know you'll get another Z, and it will be much better than your last one.

-- Mike

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Most people never think about what their parents sacrificed to bring them into this world and to raise them right. Zmefly, I guess your parents did a pretty darn good job.

If I could I would gladly give up all my cars if it would bring my father back so I could just tell him things I now wished I had said to him before he passed away. I never realized until it was to late that spending time with my folks was more important than most anything I had going on in my life.

Yes, you have lost a car, but I doubt you will be without one long. The next one will probably be even better than your last. And you'll have someone to share the fun you will have in it. JUST DON'T SCARE THE YOU YOU KNOW WHAT OUT OF THEM!!:D

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Mike and 2Many are very much on target with their posts. Your family is first above everything else and in spite of how much emotion we can attach to them, cars are just machines. I would have done exactly the same thing if required by circumstance.

Another great car is in the future don't despair.

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A HUGE cyber-toast to Zme!

Great to see someone who has their priorities straight. All these toys we play with just don't mean much when it comes to our friends and family.

I, too, would give up all of my toys to have my Dad back just to sit around with and watch a couple games on TV.

Here's to you Zme, you're a good man.

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thanks to all of you. i dont know now reading it how it sounds. yes i hated to give up my favorite car, especially since i used to love hunting mustangs in it LOL but like all of you said, my parents needed me. my dad was to proud to ask me since he himself couldnt come up with the money. my mom had to tell me

it was really hard for my dad to take the money from me knowing what i did to get it. he was saddened and said i shouldnt have done it.

i told him to remember when i was young and stupid and all the trouble he baile me out of. it wasnt a problem. the good thing is that i took it to the local auction house and believe it or not it sold for 7500 big ones. hehe i only paid 3950 for that car. i loved it and will miss it. but hey, life isnt much of anything without family.

once again thanks

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A wise man named Napeoleon Hill speaks of the" seed of equivalent benefit".Your's will come,they always do.It may be that you find a project car and you and your dad spend time redoing it.I know your friends here will do everything possible to get you parts/help.Your character and charity will not go unnoticed.I look forward to the day I have a part you need.IT'S YOURS!!! Daniel

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