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Fixing headlights comination switch?


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I believe my the part of the combination switch that gives power to the dash lighting, parkers, tail lights etc is buggered! It was flashing on and off over bumps for some time, but after doing lots of rewiring today (other problems), they don't work at all. I'm pretty certain I didn't stuff something up while working on it today, will check that in the morning.

Anyhow, my service manual says the combination switch isn't servicable at all. Just wondering if it is actually possible to pull the thing appart and fix it? Or am I just going to have to replace it?

If replacement is the only option I think I'll just have to wire it into a seperate switch for now.

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I've done it on my '72. Take the switch apart, removing the little switch "box", it comes off with 2 or 3 philips screws, then use a small screwdriver to pry the little "tangs" that hold the inards inplace, remove the two contactors, using emery cloth clean them up along with the contact post's re-assemble and your good to go.....

good luck,


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I currently have 2 stalk switches in for refurb, for the headlight switch there is a 2 pole rocker contact arrangement which is operates by a cam, this switch rocker (copper) is actuated by a small plastic "tit" for want of a better word (there are 2 of them one for side lights one for main and they act like pivot points on the copper rocker) make sure this is not worn down -- if is, build it up with JB, its a temporary fix but it has been holding one of mine up for 6 months of constant use -- be careful they have a small spring inside that loves to pop out when you are disassembling the switch.

I'll try and take some piccies when I am doing the two units I have

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I'm sure you can use a temporary shunt (jumper) to connect the blades at the connector to test the circuit. I've done it with the turn signal switches(on my 280Z). If you feel that it would be too much trouble fiddling with the stalk, you might consider replacing the stalk with beefier toggle switches (lighted ones?) I haven't seen the guts of the wiper switch(es), so can't give an opinion about that.

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Oh righty. I had a play with it this avo and all of a sudden the lights worked, so I decided to leave it.

Well after doing a bunch of other things to it tonight I went to take it for a drive....not working!!!

So I pulled the whole comination switch out and pulled it appart.


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Now what I have done is cleaned up the end of the "tit", then made up a small amount of the epoxy resin I use for fibreglassing my model boats. I shoved the "tit" on the end of a skewer, then dipped the end of the "tit" into the epoxy resin. This leaves a nicely rounded drop on the end of the "tit" with almost exactly the same profile as it had when new, as can can be seen in this pic.


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That should hopefully be well hardened by tomorrow morning. The resin can then be filed back anywhere that it may be slightly out of shape, but I'd guess it will be pretty much perfect.

I'll let everyone know how it goes once it's back together. :)

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