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Rock star wannabe


When I'm not working on my Z, I'm making people's ears hurt rockin' with my band, Cat Jerky (www.catjerky.net).

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Most excellent Ken! Scott my husband does the same thing. When not restoring Z cars, he's jamming (drummer) with his rock band "Time Warp".

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As far as my band goes, we're no good. But, we have a lot of fun, and for some reason people seem to like us...

Hey Zguitar71, my wife and I are planning to take a trip through Montana next summer, she's from Great Falls.

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Hey, guitars & cadillacs, why not guitars & 240Z's!!!!

Yeah, I dig the Strats. Les Pauls are very cool, too, but I'm partial to that single coil sound...SRV!

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Ok - lets see....

I play a Carvin guitar and also an acoustic 12 string to relax .... but I confess - its rock and roll for me! I'm a rhythm player with a little lead, but it is a blast no matter what my buddy and I get into.

Amps: Fender Princton Chorus (older one) and Carvin Nomad.

Yeah! I can see it all now! A big Z convention with live music!


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Ah, is it the Princeton Chorus with the red knobs, mid '80's vintage??? A nice sounding amp, but I gotta thing for glowing glass. From small to large: Mesa Boogie Studio .22, '65 Fender Pro-Reverb, '66 Fender Super-Reverb, '90's Rivera TBR head through two full stacks (this rig moves a lot of air...but it's a bit much for the small venues we play these days.)

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Ok... maybe not older like in glass.... more like older from the mid-90's. I don't think I would buy a newer one with all the effects... mine has reverb and chorus and a bit of over-the-top crunch.

However, you have some very nice amps in your stable.... most excellent.

Did ya get the pictures I sent ya?


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Hey this a a cool thread I also have a couple of Carvin electrics, a 1980 DC 150 I've had since 82, a 2001 DC 135 (my main axe) and a MIJ 54 Fender Strat. I also love tube amps, I have a 63 bassman, 83 Fender Concert combo, 92 Carvin X-100, and my main gigging amp, a 99 fender blues Jr.

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