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My 280zx at the garage after the accident


This was the end of my car. I was in the hospital and friends took some photos for me. Just look at the poor little eyes!

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Big Z Photo Collection

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Oh my.. that doesn't look like it was a fun accident. Hopefully nobody got too hurt.

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I had a carphone, (it was 1991) but was not using it.And yep Mike, someone got hurt! It was me! The accident occurred when I was in Ascot where I used to live, and waiting at some traffic lights. A woman driver skidded over four lanes to hit me in the drivers door! It took firemen two and a half hours to cut me out and my heart stopped once! A van was stationed nearby to cut my legs off if they took much longer to free me! I told them I would rather be dead than in a wheelchair. Imagine not wearing my high heels!

The surgeons said my spine should have broken, but because of my bodybuilding and big back muscles, that saved me. But two vertabrae were slightly crushed and I had bad bursitis in my hip. I walked with the aid of sticks for two years, and very strong painkillers! The accident was in Feb 22nd 1991.

At the time of the accident I told the firemen to let me die with my car. Even with the oxygen mask on, I was crying for my car! I knew it was a write-off as they said the chassis was badly twisted. I still pine for my car which was a 1982 280ZX targa turbo, and the best car ever! I can't find one in as good condition as that one was, so far.

Thanks for caring.

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LOL! You know what I meant! To walk about on. So why are you called Alfadog then? Did you have some Alfa Romeos?
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