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Dressed for a hot summer day.

I know mini skirts are for the young, but I do like them!

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Big Z Photo Collection

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Recommended Comments

I disagree with your comment about Mini-Skirts being for the young (only).

I think that they should be ONLY for those endowed with the proper attributes to wear them properly. That is, a nice L O N G pair of legs, a well formed derriere, and a beautiful disposition.

I think you should post about half a dozen (or more) pics of you in said mini-skirt and we can then.....require about another dozen or more pics. I won't say how many it will take before we might agree that you look good in the mini-skirt (you do), but just keep the pictures coming and we'll see.........


Thank you all for your wonderful support. I will post as many pics as I am allowed then if you want to see them. I do have plenty more in skirts and bikini's. Plenty in my website too. I have pics taken at least once weekly, so they will be updated. If you get bored with them please tell me! My daughter's pic is in my website, you may recognise her. And Mike, I shall be adding close ups of my tattoos. I have eight I think. All the colours match and were done in the UK by the same artist (a woman named Wendy) The flames on my tummy were done by famous tattooist called 'Fat someone or other? In Chicago. I'll put the name in as soon as I remember it. My darn memory will be the death of me!

Thanks again for you support fellas. I hope some of the women on here will like me too, soon.

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